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Everything posted by DumDumInvestor

  1. Bought DOCN, now a full position.
  2. Investing in Russia is insanity. Potential new war in Ukraine and sanctions. Any business in Russia can be easily destroy by Putin and his close friends. Checkout what happened with Durov, founder of Telegram or what happened with Chichvarkin, Michael Calvey and others. Checkout what happened with ruble in past 5 years add to this that Russia is more interesting in cheap ruble because it sells oil in $. In nearest couple of years 1$ will be 100 rubles, for sure. To invest in Russia you really need to know that market very well. Several Russian investors who live in Russia do not touch that market at all. I know quite well what happens there and I know the language and I would never invest in that country while there Putin in power.
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