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Everything posted by grc1980

  1. I’m currently looking at 3 UK 1. Cohort plc 2. BAE Systems 3. QinetiQ Group. BAE as they do munitions and vehicles as do QinetiQ but Cohort as they are buying niche defence companies such as anti drone and sonar tech. still digging into them.
  2. LMT needs to get a bit cheaper before I start to dig in…
  3. UK Based here - bit of a lurker on the board too. I'd like to meet up, but sadly I won't be able to meet on the 17th.
  4. Thank you, I've been looking for a good podcast in this area. I'll have a listen to this over the next few weeks.
  5. This makes sense to me, I’ve been slowly making my way through a number of books in my own time, listening to excellent podcasts out there. My thoughts were it see if it would round of some of my learning. it’s why I also joined this forum to read and speak, to like minded individuals. I can see your point on finding your own way, just because one approach works for one person, doesn’t mean it’ll work for me. We’re all just built differently. thank you all this has been useful to me.
  6. Thanks your feedback has been very useful as I wanted to see if it was a session of real learning or something else... As I've only really been investing in my knowledge as a value investor properly over the past year, things are still new to me and with new knowledge there is always some doubt that you are doing things correctly. So maybe for a $300 investment (along with forums such as this) to help give me some confidence that I'm on the right path, maybe it would be useful. Watching this video about Karen, what can I say... I'm amazed that people fail to do the "sniff test" with claims "of they turned $100K to $41M." When I see claims like this my first reaction is to be skeptical, because those outsized gains from small to no capital, in a short amount of time, just doesn't seem realistic, unless they win the lottery. This again is why your feedback has been useful to ensure that if you sign up for these 'courses' your not being sold a road to ruin.
  7. Hi, Just a quick question here. Has anyone here spent some of their hard earned $ in taking the Rule 1 Workshop by Phil Town? He pushes this a lot on his podcasts and as I'm on his mailing list, I keep getting updates on when these events are run. They are currently priced at $297 for a 3 day-virtual workshop, so the question is... is there value in taking the workshop? I'm hoping that taking these sessions, will help provide additional clarity to his process but I'm concerned that I'll just be revisiting the content of his books. Thoughts?
  8. That sounds a nice little work around, that I may have to try.
  9. I agree this isn't good as I use reuters as my main news source, mainly because it's free. With this change I suppose it's time to start investing in my news sources. I was thinking of finally purchasing a Bloomberg digital subscription, but wanted to know if it was any good before spending the $300+/year for access. Has anyone got a Bloomberg digital subscription and if so, is it worth the money?
  10. I've been looking into Garmin as well and I'm split on it at the moment. Personally I think that its currently over priced, along with most of the market at the moment. It's a slow growth company, where the PND market in Autos is in a slow death, although they have landed some OEM contracts with a few car manufactures it'll never get to where it was. The personal sports equipment segment and maritime has had amazing growth during the pandemic and I think this strength will continue for awhile yet. Aviation is being hammered, but they have just had FAA certification for their auto land features for their glass cockpits used in business aviation and I think that will recover in the next year or two. A good thing is that Garmin is sitting on a pile cash, has virtually no debt and acquiring software companies at the moment to support their sports division. The only real big red flag I have at the moment is that there is a lot of insider selling at the moment and no buying, but I feel that is due to the high valuation at the moment. In short... I can see a solid mature stable company that I like, however I'll wait for the price to come down before I start to get excited by it.
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