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  1. Don’t forget there isn’t s movie so he is still taking questions for 4.5 hours. prior years I think was 9-330 and 1 hour for lunch so it’s the same amount of time?
  2. That would be amazing if you are able to! I will definitely buy your next book! I feel Munger’s partnership years are so neglected, yes we know about the closed end fund and blue chips making up 75 percent roughly in the early 70’s but any anecdotes, data points would be very welcome as Charlie was a hero of one and I miss him very much.
  3. Brett, I loved the book. any chance you have time to do the same thing for Charlie’s investment partnership years? a logical title would be Munger’s early investments.
  4. It’s a very well researched book. i love the parts where Buffett would talk to front line employees for hours and I think counted some type of product (not Amex) for several hours. I need to read it again. Amex was the only part that has been repeated several times in other books. Almost the entire book (excluding Amex) is information I haven’t read before. Great job by the author. I wish he would have been on the investors podcast at that covered the book.
  5. I can’t speak for Brett but he put in the book Buffett didn’t cooperate but sent him a letter wishing him good luck. i think it’s in the preface.
  6. The part with SBF wouldn’t hesitate to blow up the world if it had positive EV. im glad that psychopath is in jail.
  7. I’m only half way through but I think this is a very good book.
  8. I don’t understand this comment from Moynihan, he and Buffett have spoke on the phone before, Moynihan can’t call him? Why can’t Moynihan call him now but in the past he could? BofA CEO Brian Moynihan made a rare comment about Berkshire’s sales Tuesday, saying he has no knowledge of Buffett’s motivation for selling. “I don’t know what exactly he’s doing, because frankly, we can’t ask him. We wouldn’t ask,” he said during Barclays Global Financial Services Conference, according to a transcript on FactSet. “But on the other hand, the market’s absorbing the stock .... we’re buying a portion of the stock, and so life will go on.”
  9. I don’t mind his daily email. It’s actually not bad and it’s free. I ignore anything about (must act immediately and all of his sales stuff). I was annoyed from his email yesterday about Netflix. He said he sold too soon and hang on to a great company, which I agree, but he completely lost me when he said what he should have done with Netflix after selling way too soon is put in a bunch of stop losses and gradually sell out the more the stock dropped. wtf? This guy is a baker scholar from HBS and went to every Berkshire meeting for almost 30 years! That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. He argues it’s an amazing company and his logic is stop losses? pretty fascinating actually from a sociological standpoint how someone can have 30 years to study such a simple concept and completely get it wrong.
  10. Thanks for posting that sheds light why he didn’t buy them but still not sure why he never bought the stock (or maybe he did and I’m not aware). I know his comments about Walmart and google that he just missed them due to price wasn’t low enough for the former and missed it on the latter but he has to know progressive better than anyone else in the world so really odd he missed buying the common for decades especially after 2008 and in 2020 during large corrections. oh well, can’t win them all.
  11. Maybe if we get another 50 percent draw down like in 73-74 Berkshire could get it for under 100 bill, but at that point it would be up to Greg if he wanted to test a future government as Buffett has only a few years left, unfortunately.
  12. At 122 billion Buffett could still afford it, but I doubt the government would allow it, guess this one falls under the errors of omission column if Buffett were to be asked this question.
  13. Random question, but could Berkshire buy Progressive or would the government try and block it? seems a logical acquisition as Buffett has long admired progressive and it has been outperforming Geico for a long time.
  14. I was wrong about another ATM. Doubt we will see one while Keith has virtually all of his net worth in the common. probably range bound from 20-30 for the foreseeable future.
  15. Definitely not dire taking 53k into 268 milllon! in four years!
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