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Everything posted by Aurel

  1. Mhh…Would you bet on liquidation value in turkey?
  2. I use Evernote like a private wiki. It really works well on all devices and funktions like the webclipper are nice. I would recommend it.
  3. I'm very impressed, that he is still so hungry + an early adopter in this tech-stuff (exept crypto )!
  4. If i remember correctly, he sold the Insurance business to Francis Chou. He gives some color on that purchase in this talk:
  5. https://downdetector.com/
  6. This community is pure gold! I really appreciate your comments. It helps a lot! I just ordered Skunk Works. @beerbaron: Ok, that is sounds like a good idea. First take the R&D @ face value and after some DD maybe mark it up or down. Plus have an eye on the industry norm. @Valuearb: That is an interesting fact, too. Never thought or read about that. Maybe that is one of the points Buffett likes consumer brands a lot, where you don’t have to think a lot about R&D costs...
  7. Thanks SD, thats exactly the stuff i wanna hear about. I just ask myself, lets say in healthcare, how much of the R&D-expenses really filling the pipeline for new products. Or how to anlayse and value R&D-costs better. And thanks for the link ratiman! Good post. FYI: Percentage of global research and development spending in 2018, by industry:
  8. Hey Guys, I am looking for good literature how R&D spending can impact the future performance of a company. Generally, or by different industries. Most of the stuff I am finding, is about macro-based spending and their impact. I am looking for any comments, papers, or studies on a micro-based spending and the "quality" of this. Thanks, Aurel
  9. Try: outline.com
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