Hello everyone,
I just signed up and I want to introduce myself through my blog.
I'm working on a blog that summarizes the basic concepts of investing.
First It's a tool useful for myself to organize my thoughts.
Second, I hope it could be useful for any beginner who wants an answer to the basic questions.
I'm focused on compounders with MOAT outside the financial/pharma sectors.
The first articles were simple and represent my evolution in the understanding of value investing.
Outside the mere money, it's a beautiful journey full of knowledge, battles and heroes.
For that reason I often use quotes by great investors.
I'm striving to be open-minded, indeed I'm digging the world of decentralized apps/data/governance and digital scarcity, not the main topic of the blog but whenever I find something interesting I will share strange articles on unusual topics.
Why do I want to share my thoughts?
Because investing isn't rocket science but in some sense is an art, there is space for discussions and critical thinking.
It's free and I don't monetize anything, I only hope it could be useful and maybe I spot some logical errors in my thinking thanks to your comments and critics.
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