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Posts posted by NormR

  1. There are many articles on the topic which for the most part seem alarmist. They talk about the risk of the pool to collapse and if rods contact each other during removal that it will create an uncontrollable chain reaction with some calling for the Northern Hemisphere to be radiated!


    I hate to break it to you, but the entire world is already irradiated.  Be on the look out for cosmic rays and don't take a trip to your basement.   

  2. Just got my ticket  8)



    As per usual, I'll organize two additional events.


    Provided Dr George runs his conference before the FFH Dinner, there will be a casual Ben Graham dinner the night before the FFH Dinner at a nearby restaurant for those getting into town early.


    In addition, that awkward time between the conference (or after work) and the FFH dinner will be filled with some light afternoon drinks.  :D


  3. Until then, are there any other rocket scientists around these parts?  ;D

    It takes one to know one. :)  Norm happens to be a physicist. :)


    Alas, I'm not a rocket scientist.  Atomic physicist maybe, but I never figured out the transportation part.  ;D


    There are more than a few folks with unusual backgrounds around here.  :)

  4. I've also made it difficult for Norm, since we kind of don't want to do any interviews.  Cheers!


    Sanjeev is a mysterious character.  But the investing public wants to know critically important things about his past!  ...


    What was the name and location of the corner convenience store that inspired the naming of his fund?


    Just what was his favorite drink and snack? 


    These are pressing questions that beg for answers.  ;D 

  5. The good people you guys don't want are welcome up here in Canada.  We're happy to have people with the moxie to uproot themselves and live in a new land. 


    Give me your tired, your poor,

    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

    I lift my lamp beside the golden door,

    to Canada 

  6. Buffett should buy Glacier Media here in Vancouver.  They are the dominant community newspaper player in Canada, as well as specialty publications.  At a 5-year low right now, and I've been loading up!


    So you're the guy who's been keeping the price high!  ;)

  7. Not a fan of Mr. Kass, but sympathize with pulling the plug. 


    This forum is very well mannered.  But take a look at the comments section on youtube/newspapers/etc and they are often packed full of nastiness.  Particularly if it happens to be remotely political in nature. 


    In the business section, stories that are negative on a stock prompt a good amount of ire.  So does anything remotely favorable to advisors.



  8. The companies included have each of these three measures < 0 (which means buyback in bloomberg language).


    Just wondering, why didn't you look for negative growth in shares outstanding?

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