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Etai Feigenbaum

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Everything posted by Etai Feigenbaum

  1. Hello I was looking for that quote, found somethings very similar. Ben Gurion said: בארץ ישראל,אדם שלא מאמין בנסים הוא אדם לא ריאלי "In the land of Israel, a person who doesn't believe in miracles is not a realistic person" Your interpretation of that quote is perfect! Etai.
  2. This is true. As an Israeli... they do not have any interest whatsoever of living in other Arab countries. They have a great quality of life here.
  3. I had planned on buying end of day . Wrong timing... so did not bought as much as I wanted. Got some STNE.
  4. First timer here Been following the forum for the last two months, am enjoying and learning much. so this is a lot of fun!! Hopefully I could contribute as well to this great community . Added some BABA yesterday, making it a 5% position.
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