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Everything posted by Ahab

  1. Sorry for the lack of clarity. I was referring to the status quo of Fannie & Freddie being the dominant players in the mortgage securitization market. Obviously, I'd love for the conservatorship aspect of the status quo to end :D :D
  2. For me, this saga has been stomach churning at parts. I'm lucky that I don't get too emotional about the paper losses that have inevitably arisen in Fannie/Freddie over these past few years. @nofreelunch: Interesting to hear your sentiments. I think the political gridlock and bureaucratic minutia surrounding Fannie/Freddie has had an opposite effect on my desire to invest over time. The lack of a congressional solution over a decade has given me confidence that these institutions are a firm part of the Washington status quo. Politicians occasionally like to rock the boat, but no one wants to be responsible for tipping it over. This is currently my largest position by far and I expect a reform that largely perpetuates the status quo.
  3. My heart says Luck and the Colts. My mind says the Rams or Kansas City.
  4. Buying more Tesla puts...this epic implosion will be talked about in business schools for decades.
  5. Echoing tol1's interest, I have heard that OID was really great in its time. Would love to hear if there is an archive floating around.
  6. Recently, I bought a large chunk of Apple stock (before the nice post-earnings run-up :) ). I still like it at these levels. Also, I purchased a moderately sized position in DVMT, which I think Dell will raise its offer for. Furthermore, I increased my stake in Softbank this summer by 1/3. Lastly, I bought some Tesla puts. This is my most speculative position (it feels vaguely like casino gambling). I am very pessimistic about Tesla's future, but the stock trades on optimistic narratives, so I may get the timing wrong.
  7. I'm curious as well about whether people enjoy their Barron's subscriptions. On an additional note, I have been really enjoying Axios lately as a news source.
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