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Everything posted by adventurer

  1. In my case BK probably will not take place which is why I am wondering whether I can buy defaulted bonds into my portfolio electronically. I am waiting for the bonds to fail to buy them, do you think that works?
  2. Hello, does anyone have a clue what happens with defaulted bonds in your portfolio? Few decades back one could buy bonds physically so no one could actually take them away from you once they were worthless. But what happens when you bought them electronically into your portfolio and they default? Will the broker simply remove them? If yes, what happens with your claims in case the bonds are being revalued by the original issuer? Thanks for reading!
  3. Yes this is certainly a starts thanks. I am looking for this one: USP7807HAP03. EDIT: Got it! The words "bond terms" are apparently the wrong ones. "Prospectus" seems better. Thank you so much! https://settysoutham.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/pdvsa21prospectus.pdf The first requirement would be that they default. I am not a US citizen and I do not intend to buy anything from the current government as well as recently issued securities. If I analyse the bond I will probably open a new thread showing my analysis for some feedback.
  4. Hello, as I emphasised here: Link to thread: http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/strategies/distressed-sovereign-debt-investing/10/ I am currently thinking of speculating with venezuelan bonds under certain circumstances. The trouble is I can not manage to find the bond terms since I am sure they will include information that is inevitable to know. Does anyone on this board have an idea where to find them?
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