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  1. R.I.P. Chuck Yeager. beyond his service and achievements, just his attitude facing the unknown, his serenity when everything goes wrong and him bouncing back after near death, is an inspiration. Fresh Air: Remembering Chuck Yeager, Pilot Who Broke The Sound Barrier. https://www.npr.org/2020/12/08/944213354/remembering-chuck-yeager-pilot-who-broke-the-sound-barrier I'm going to search for the original interview from 1988. Edit: here it is https://freshairarchive.org/segments/test-pilot-general-chuck-yeager
  2. RMR the worst REIT manager I've seen. Capital allocation is just more assets/debt/equity...management fees.
  3. Scott Thank for linking here on the "Berkshire 2018 Annual Meeting" topic. A big little stimulus for paths checking you'd posted here. I think that it's as basic as evolution. only the fittest survive and prosper and in order to be fitter than the next guy, in a changing environment, one has to adapt, get more tool, get rid of these which are obsolete etc.
  4. bennycx, This movie is available to DL on Google search. All the legal and moral caveats apply.
  5. FFXDF is the over-the-counter ticker in US markets; FIH.U is the ticker on the Toronto exchange (TSE). In both cases, they are in US dollars, but the FFXDF trades very infrequently and you can get some wonky prices. In principle, they should have the same value. But you are probably better off to buy the shares on the Toronto exchange if that is possible with your broker, and if not, perhaps put in a limit order for FFXDF with a price that closely matches the value you see for FIH.U. thanks, dartmonkey now it makes sense. I was under the impression that FIH.U trades in CADs.
  6. Hi guys, a longtime holder of FFH looking to invest directly in FIH-U. any reason for the wide gap between FFXDF and FIH-U? +30% thanks
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