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Posts posted by asterisk

  1. 1 hour ago, allnatural said:


    You are correct the market is disappointed with Thompson's pick (over Calhoun), but I think its misplaced to think she is "status quo" in the sense that Watt was. From what we've seen so far from Thompson, she is pro-retained earnings, lower capital requirements (to what extent TBD when rule is finalized early next year), expanding the GSEs businesses (makes them larger and more profitable), and anti-competitors (opposite of Calabria). So while Watt's status quo was zero progress being made and all the cash being swept to Treasury, Thompson's "status quo" involves organically retaining earnings while strengthening the GSEs fundamentals which puts the GSEs on an inevitable track to eventually hit their capital requirements (see my post above re: how fast they can get there).


    Does that mean she has an agenda to end the conservatorship? Doesn't look like it as of now (might get more information on this during her confirmation hearing). I think you need an event to force Biden to address the issue administratively vs the organic recap path they are on today. That event could be either 1 of the court cases (Collins [all eyes on Jan 19 oral arguments], Lamberth [Trial July 2022], or Takings case [Pending appeal court decision any day] all T'eed up for 2022), or if Democrats get swept in the mid-terms Biden might be desperate for an administrative win and direct her to proceed with warrant monetization (in the name of affordable housing).

    I believe the concerns with her is that she is not going to be the one to have the willpower for a sustained fight for R&R. Additionally, to my knowledge Thompson has never really stated an interest in pursuing R&R.


    I agree that 2022 will be interesting and you provided a great concise summary. Part of me is hoping with get below $2 on the high dividends for purchases. 

  2. FHFA is directing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to contribute a record high $1.09 billion to the national Housing Trust Fund & Capital Magnet Fund, more than *double* the amount the GSEs contributed last year. The $ is distributed through Treasury & HUD to further affordable housing


    Still stealing money from the GSEs, the robbery has not ended...


    I didnt see this TV, can you provide link?




    While annoying, hasn't it becoming consensus that affordable housing will be the bargaining chip?

  3. FNMAP and FNMAO

    Two of the low yielding variable JPS are calculated such that they would actually have a negative interest rate if dividends were turned back on. The calculations are 2-yr CMT minus a fixed number, which is currently higher than the 2-yr CMT for both securities.

    I don't think the offering circular contemplates a negative rate, thus I assume they would be 0%

    Yes, I know, dividends are irrelevant.

    Still, amazing


    Not sure the point of chasing the lower yields at this point in the game. IMHO positioning to the highest yield amid the JPS stack is the best position, although at a small premium.

  4. What are the reasons to stay in this investment? On a first look at what came out today there are a lot of roadblocks and we become dependent on two parties... treasury and JPS. Each with their own motivations. To me the whole the preferred shares could be worth $40 is dangerous. We currently have a FHFA who just got screwed by Mnuchin and was ready to make significant progress. We have less than 1/2 a year till we potentially have an unfriendly FHFA director.


    it's not a slam dunk and many will exit but the reasons would be a) the low price b) potential court victories and their impact on stock price even if still in conservatorship and c) Tsy might want to move the ball forward at some point for progress / collect their billions for pet projects.


    I have no intentions to exit my position. While Yellen/Biden were briefed on the LA, what's to say they don't decide to make another agreement?

  5. What are the reasons to stay in this investment? On a first look at what came out today there are a lot of roadblocks and we become dependent on two parties... treasury and JPS. Each with their own motivations. To me the whole the preferred shares could be worth $40 is dangerous. We currently have a FHFA who just got screwed by Mnuchin and was ready to make significant progress. We have less than 1/2 a year till we potentially have an unfriendly FHFA director.

  6. One area I strongly miscalculated was incentives.  I figured that while an argument could be made that the perpetual sweep of profits to the UST is valuable cashflow for the govt, the govt is made up of elected officials with term limits and therefore the cashflow isn’t actually perpetual from the perspective of the elected officials in charge.  And therefore in practice, the cashflow was only valuable to Mnuchin/Trump for the 4-8 years they held office.  And therefore once that time was up, they would make a move as the cashflow does not directly benefit them once they leave office.


    One possibility is that while we had incentives generally correct (taking care of Paulson), they were achieved in a way we had not thought realistic - continued non commital public statements causing the securities prices to fluctuate up and down - allowing for people close to insiders to trade around the news.  Not saying this is what happened - but would be an alternative explanation for everything to date. 


    It’s not over until it’s over and the floor is not $0 as there are multiple prongs of margin of safety.


    Good points. However, with the size of his investment it is doubtful there was enough volume to keep trading it. Also, Paulson per his prior investments (housing) is not afraid to stick it out.



    Good luck to all


    There is $16mm in ADV across the 2 most liquid preferreds (FNMAS and FMCKJ) before accounting for any of the other series.  Over the course of 4 years, wouldn't be too difficult to make some $.


    Again - I have no idea and certainly not trying to accuse.  I'm just starting to do a post-mortem on alternative explanations so I can at least learn something here.  Ex-ante I think a lot of the "Mnuchin won't act" were surface level opinions that may prove to be correct, but never thought through specific incentives like the one I mentioned above.  Right for the wrong reasons.  But all that matters in this game is the result.


    Thats a valid point. Although seems like peanuts for the "potential" overall prize.


    I think a debt of gratitude is owed the significant contributors on here. This board could be used as a case study. Ahead of tomorrow I would like to thank you all for the insights.

  7. One area I strongly miscalculated was incentives.  I figured that while an argument could be made that the perpetual sweep of profits to the UST is valuable cashflow for the govt, the govt is made up of elected officials with term limits and therefore the cashflow isn’t actually perpetual from the perspective of the elected officials in charge.  And therefore in practice, the cashflow was only valuable to Mnuchin/Trump for the 4-8 years they held office.  And therefore once that time was up, they would make a move as the cashflow does not directly benefit them once they leave office.


    One possibility is that while we had incentives generally correct (taking care of Paulson), they were achieved in a way we had not thought realistic - continued non commital public statements causing the securities prices to fluctuate up and down - allowing for people close to insiders to trade around the news.  Not saying this is what happened - but would be an alternative explanation for everything to date. 


    It’s not over until it’s over and the floor is not $0 as there are multiple prongs of margin of safety.


    Good points. However, with the size of his investment it is doubtful there was enough volume to keep trading it. Also, Paulson per his prior investments (housing) is not afraid to stick it out.



    Good luck to all

  8. I don’t really follow FNMA and FMCC, but with the attempted coup/riots in the Capitol building, I doubt SM or anyone else in the Trump administration would do anything policy-wise to make the news.  Just my thought, I could be wrong.


    What value does this add? Unless you have skin in the game this type of post spams the board that includes incredible analysis by Midas, Luke, Chris, etc. No disrespect, but 4th quarter dunking adds nothing to the group.


    It does add value. He is making the right judgement call here. Mick Mulvaney just resigned.




    Okay- Mnuchin said he will remain. So I added value too. This is politics related, wrong forum.

  9. I don’t really follow FNMA and FMCC, but with the attempted coup/riots in the Capitol building, I doubt SM or anyone else in the Trump administration would do anything policy-wise to make the news.  Just my thought, I could be wrong.


    What value does this add? Unless you have skin in the game this type of post spams the board that includes incredible analysis by Midas, Luke, Chris, etc. No disrespect, but 4th quarter dunking adds nothing to the group.

  10. but the takeaway as I think you allude to is that the smoke (such as this letter, Bright's letter and Warner/Rounds letter) would indicate that there is fire


    Also, Warner and Crapo took Mnuchin out to dinner Wednesday night, after the hearing in which Warner said nothing negative about GSE's and Crapo was positive.


    Forgot to give link:

    On Wednesday night, Senators @MarkWarner & @MikeCrapo took Secretary Mnuchin to dinner, two sources tell me. Among other topics, they discussed the bipartisan COVID relief framework. Warner is one of the Dems most involved - so here's another way lawmakers are working the WH.


    Thanks Luke! Likely GSE reform came up.


    As Otherpa has said very well, there is no reason for Mnuchin to care about GSE reform besides helping out some friends. We are seeing a slow burn of cards starting to play out. As Cherzeca said where there is smoke is indicating fire. The fire is getting bigger little by little.


    Waters is getting worried :)


    Calabria was a former chief of staff of the senate banking committee, to which he clearly maintains fealty.  he will likely not be predisposed to accommodate Ms. Waters and the HFSC, especially when she notes that Calabria's tenure is soon to end...something that he has disputed and may resist next year.  the HFSC is the very weak sister to the SBC, and the Chairman of the SBC as recently as Monday told Mnuchin to continue with important steps.


    but the takeaway as I think you allude to is that the smoke (such as this letter, Bright's letter and Warner/Rounds letter) would indicate that there is fire


    100% agree. Exactly my point, it's a continuation of a trend in the last few weeks.

  12. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiswZbPt53pAhWMZs0KHWX3ApcQ0PADegQIAxAN&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnbc.com%2F2020%2F05%2F05%2Fnorwegian-cruise-line-says-theres-substantial-doubt-about-its-ability-to-continue-as-a-going-concern.html&usg=AOvVaw048xHiz1Oa8k7IC3KHOKxw


    Norwegian looking like it will run out of cash soon. Using back of the envelope math, the company said they had $1.4B of cash as of March 30th and the company is burning $130M a month. Let's add an approximate of $50M of deposit refunds and the company has about 8 months left to live.


    The industry is in the "too hard" pile for me, but it has been a learning experience to see how important capital structure is in times of stress.

  13. Craig Phillips back in the spot light! maybe there is some truth to Todd's post. He is a keynote speaker next week to talk housing reform...




    "Keynote Speaker: Craig Philips

    09:00 AM  09:45 AM


    What to Expect from Treasury's Housing Plans and Nonbank Financials, Fintech and Innovation"


    Are officials like Philips subject to any NDA or are they barred from speaking about their work for a period of time? It is interesting that he is speaking out now. Maybe it is because he was relaxing or maybe not...

  14. I'm on the younger side, but I'll give you a basic answer and see what the group thinks. Comps allow investors to see if a company is undervalued or not. Usually the analyst will look at a group of company's and assign a common metric so it's easy to see if Company A is cheap relative to Comoany B. It is also helpful to see the valuation when companies do not have identical products or market size.

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