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  1. Just finished Fall out, and really enjoyed it. Great characters, and they kept did a good job with keeping the dark humor from the games in the series.
  2. sold out from KWEB, Prosus, Disney, AirBnB and Twillio earlier this week, they had a nice move up the past month. Today I decreased my position in Meta (20%) and IAC by 35% (I still like the company, however I also think they made some mistakes and don't see much upside in the current economy) Finally, I closed out OXY, as I think that petrobas is a better risk/return where I opened a position a month or so ago. Cash level around 15%, 15% in bonds and 5% short (put options and calls in vix)
  3. Added to IAC, opened small positions in Twillio and Airbnb
  4. added to Dis, Nintendo and some buys into crypto...BTC, ETH and SOL
  5. added to Paypal and IAC, also Meta/FB earlier this week
  6. added to Nintendo, opened a new position in MKL and decreased Costco.
  7. Yesterday: bought more Meta, now a full position (10%) in my portfolio.
  8. added to IAC and Dis today. From Tuesday: new position in Oxy and added to Ishares energy etf.
  9. from yesterday: added to Exor, Fundsmith, Intel and a little bit to Meta.
  10. On Now TV which is the Sky's (UK) streaming service (Babylon Berlin is on Now TV as well, not on Netflix for UK/Ireland).
  11. added to BRK,Charter, Meta PYPL, IAC, Exor, and SPY - also opened a new position in PSH and ATVI (equity and calls) ---
  12. added to PYPL and MO
  13. closed some of my shorts, and replaced with calls (July 8th) on Meta, Amazon and added to WBD (small position) and PARA preferred (initiated a basket of preferred shares).
  14. I just finished Das Boot season 3. I liked how they brought in different perspectives from WW2. Probably already mentioned here before, Babylon Berlin is highly recommended for a 1920's look into Germany.
  15. added to FB, IAC, Intel and NFLIX. Also added to BRK last Thursday
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