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  1. Thanks for bringing the book to attention.I'll check it out
  2. Thanks for the input,crocodon
  3. We are conducting an interview with Tobias Carlisle, author of Deep Value and co-author of Quantitative value. Tobias has conducted other interviews, so we are looking for whatever insightful and unique questions you guys might have.
  4. Hmm,I do not know the exact answer to that question, but a reasonable assumption would be that most investors are being taught income metrics at school, and a lot of value investors have read countless books who have touted the effectiveness of such metrics.In a sense, once you go past a certain point in time, concepts like the effectiveness of income type metrics become the standard for investors to use, almost reflexively and without much afterthought. Similar to how efficient market theory had and still has many adherents, despite being hogwash.It's like that saying"say it loud enough and often,and people will believe it to be the truth". That's my $0.02.Would love to hear your take on it.
  5. http://feynmanresearch.com/2016/01/12/brian-grosso-episode/
  6. http://feynmanresearch.com/2016/01/18/evebit-the-most-underrated-price-ratio/
  7. PII is pretty cheap
  8. Good point.I'll research further
  9. Full presentation here:http://www.valuewalk.com/2016/01/mohnish-pabrai-boston-college-carroll-school-of-management-presentation-december-3-2015/
  10. Our investing process:http://feynmanresearch.com/philosophy/
  11. Here's their annual letter for 2015:http://www.mediafire.com/view/2sf2k2b5ya68akk/T11_-_2015_Annual_Letter.pdf
  12. Is anyone familiar with T11 Capital Management? They have posted insane returns over the past 5 years
  13. Anyone have, or know where to find a higher quality version of this talk? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtjTKAHAxBw Thanks
  14. Got an offer in the mail today($52 for 52 weeks) to subscribe to their magazine. Just wanted to share this opportunity with you all,as I think it is very reasonable given the quality of Barron's
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