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  1. Hi Folks, Do you have any cannibals screeners that you use, free or otherwise (not bloomberg)? I am not an institutional investor. I did some search and I am yet to check my results and see what's out there. I am aware I can check company's outstanding shares over time though, say on https://www.macrotrends.net
  2. Yeah I started playing a little bit, but not much, not yet I guess I should open a new thread? I have some ideas and I am guessing you all do. 1. Like how you read 2. Do you speed read or pdf to audio 3. Podcasts 4. Running LLM on my personal desktop or laptop 5. Cloud LLM vs privacy.
  3. I don't want to hijack this thread, I may open a new one but I'd like to discuss the investing research and learning process in light of the recent SLMs/LLMs tools and challenges with content curation, etc. Do you know if there is any thread? I tried to find the most suitable thread but I don't think I was successful. The closest I got is this one.
  4. Yeah, okay. Thank you.
  5. @Spekulatius how about BHF?
  6. Yes, @Monsieur_dee Bob Robotti was talking about LPX. I watched a fireside chat a month or two ago. Is there a screen or a way to track these cannibals on quarterly or annual basis? It maybe manual or using ycharts and similar platforms?
  7. Sounds like this is the vehicle, 5y warrants are his thing. https://www.stockgumshoe.com/reviews/katusas-resource-opportunities/katusas-global-race-to-net-zero-and-the-global-war-on-carbon-emissions/ https://www.carbonstreaming.com/media/news-releases/carbon-streaming-completes-us1049-million-private-placement-of-special-warrants
  8. I've listened to some of his videos as well: https://www.youtube.com/c/KatusaResearch/videos But I am not sure which investments he refers to. Somewhat similar is Pierre Andurand and his RV interview, he is nto the carbon credits futures https://www.realvision.com/pierre-andurand-the-oil-master-looks-to-the-future
  9. How do you track podcast guests by their full name? How do you setup an alert? Can you please share and tell what do you use?
  10. Hi Guys and Ladies. I hope you are well. Is there a free screener/filter that I can use and setup. I'd like to use the default 52 week filter but modify the start and end date. Can you please help? Thanks
  11. Yeah so it is the futures right? That's how I get 5 year leaps? Yeah, sorry, it is an old Grants article, 10 or more years, don't remember.
  12. Hi All. I hope you are well. This might be better for Strategies but was unsure. I have an old Grants article, quote: "(An investor friend relates that he recently bough 250,000 gold calls struck at $500 for five years at a cost of $2 each. Given that that the forward gold price is approximately $370, he observed, the calls are essentially free." So, can you help me understand how one might be able to do this as a non-institutional investor? Are they talking about long-term calls on futures contracts or? Thanks
  13. Thanks sir. Yeah, understood. I hope all has gone well
  14. Hi Folks. I hope you are well. I've tried to find this online. Do you guys know if there is a full video of the hearing? I've seen the Dirty Lies short snippets though. Would love to watch the whole thing.. :) Thanks
  15. Hello Team. I hope all are well :) Just been thinking that I don't really know of a good source for the Canadian marks, e.g. Toronto markets. I've done some search https://quant.stackexchange.com/questions/4079/data-source-for-historical-share-outstanding-totals-for-individual-stocks https://ycharts.com https://tradingeconomics.com/cco:cn:common-shares-outstanding - works well. maybe it is using US stock exchange as a source in the background? https://tradingeconomics.com/aim:cn:common-shares-outstanding - works well https://tradingeconomics.com/pg:cn:common-shares-outstanding - doesn't work And found few more but none of them seem to be working well with all the Toronto shares including the above. I'd really like to overlay this chart with the price per share chart. I'd choose the past 5 or 10 years, choose the number of outstanding shares, the price per share and just get that on the chart? Is any of this possible? If yes, can you please advise how? If not, do you happen to know of Toronto / Canadian markets service that provide this? Thanks
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