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  1. You're welcome, LightWhale.
  2. Thanks for your feedback, LightWhale. I've updated the filters to take into account your request to bring back portfolio previews on the home screen's right hand column. I've also fixed a few minor bugs. To try this: 1. Go into the uBlock Origin dashboard -> 3rd-party filters and hit "Purge all caches" and then "Update now". 2. Wait a minute (you'll little spinners next to each list as they get refreshed). 3. Reload yahoo finance. Please could you confirm the home page is now working as you expected? Thanks,
  3. Instructions are now more nicely formatted here: https://github.com/jimjamfinance/yahoo_finance_ublock_origin_filters
  4. NB: The following message is superseded by the instructions here: https://github.com/jimjamfinance/yahoo_finance_ublock_origin_filters ============= I've now put the filter list on the web so that it's easy to push updates. The following instructions replace the ones in the previous message. 1. Install the Ublock Origin extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm (It's an advertising blocker which is open source. I trust it not to do anything bad given the community of people studying the code. I used to use other blockers (adblock plus, etc.) but they all seem to have become somewhat shady.) 2. Once installed, click on Ublock Origin's icon (which may be found in the list of icons to the right of the URL bar in Chrome). 3. This will bring up a menu. Click on the "Open the dashboard" icon rightmost under the big 0/1. 4. Click on the tab "3rd party filters" and scroll all the way to the bottom to the text box under "One URL per line..." 5. Paste the following URL into the text box at the bottom: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jimjamfinance/yahoo_finance_ublock_origin_filters/master/yahoo_finance.txt 6. Click on the "Apply changes" button in the upper right. 7. Close the dashboard tab 8. Reload https://finance.yahoo.com You should have a minimalist experience with all the non-value-added pixels gone. I did this as a quick hack for myself after the Google Finance fiasco... I'd welcome comments and suggestions for improvements if you find it useful.
  5. NB: The following message is superseded by the instructions here: https://github.com/jimjamfinance/yahoo_finance_ublock_origin_filters ============= Sorry for the slow reply. Yes, that's correct. 1. Install the Ublock Origin extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm (It's an advertising blocker which is open source. I trust it not to do anything bad given the community of people studying the code. I used to use other blockers (adblock plus, etc.) but they all seem to have become somewhat shady.) 2. Once installed, click on Ublock Origin's icon (which may be found in the list of icons to the right of the URL bar in Chrome). 3. This will bring up a menu. Click on the "Open the dashboard" icon rightmost under the big 0/1. 4. Click on the tab "My filters". 5. Copy + paste the filters I listed into the text box. 6. Click on "Apply changes" 7. Close the dashboard tab 8. Reload https://finance.yahoo.com You should have a minimalist experience with all the crap non-value-added pixels gone. I did this as a quick hack for myself after the Google Finance fiasco... I'd welcome comments and suggestions for improvements if you find it useful.
  6. NB: The following message is superseded by the instructions here: https://github.com/jimjamfinance/yahoo_finance_ublock_origin_filters ============= FWIW, yahoo finance is not too bad to use when all the crap is stripped away. Enclosed below is a rather brutal set of ublock origin filters I wrote that get rid of almost every junk pixel on the screen. The experience in google chrome with these filters is rather pleasant now... ! yahoo finance brutal simplifications ! general yahoo navigation finance.yahoo.com##div[id="masterNav"] ! yahoo properties navigation finance.yahoo.com##ul[class*="Bgc(#2d1152)"] ! navigation junk finance.yahoo.com##li:has(a:has-text(Personal Finance)) finance.yahoo.com##li:has(a:has-text(Originals)) finance.yahoo.com##li:has(a:has-text(Technology)) ! navigation color junk finance.yahoo.com##div[id="YDC-UH"]:style(background-image: none !important) finance.yahoo.com##div[id="YDC-Nav"] > div:style(background-image: none !important) ! yahoo mail icon in upper right finance.yahoo.com##a[title="Mail"] finance.yahoo.com##a[id="uh-mail"] ! lightbulb in upper right finance.yahoo.com##div[class*="uv-top-right"] ! "Subscribe to Yahoo Finance's Morning Brief" finance.yahoo.com##div[id*="FeatureBar"] ! video news finance.yahoo.com##li[class*="js-stream-content"] ! yahoo text ads finance.yahoo.com##div[id*="LinkOut-Proxy"] ! other companies finance.yahoo.com##div[id="YDC-Col2"] ! popup videos finance.yahoo.com##div[id*="QuoteVideo"] ! side news finance.yahoo.com##aside ! slider news finance.yahoo.com##div[class*="slick-slider"] ! "sponsor" in news finance.yahoo.com##li:has(p:has(a[data-ylk*="sponsor"])) ! Link Broker finance.yahoo.com##li:has(button[data-test="linkPf"]) ! Footer finance.yahoo.com##div[id="mrt-node-Lead-4-Footer"]
  7. @Munger_Disciple writes: I haven't tested Brave on ios but I've used it on Android and it's good. It's available for ipod in the app store...
  8. On my Macbook, I use an up-to-date Google Chrome with the Ublock Origin extension, which seems to be the best of the ad blockers these days. (Note that there are several different ublocks listed in the Chrome extension store, it's "Ublock Origin by Raymond Hill (gorhill)".) On Android, I use the Brave browser which is a google chrome variant with built in adblocking. I haven't had any problem with malware redirection. Having said that, it obviously would be better if Parsad banned malware ads from his site...
  9. Apparently he's been buying stocks recently: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-01-31/buffett-bought-12-billion-of-stock-from-election-through-friday
  10. Companies selling gift cards, for example Biglari's Steak and Shake: http://www.steaknshake.com/gift-card Sodexo and many others who manage luncheon vouchers for employer (widely used in Europe to give a tax reduced perk to employees and support the local restaurant industry): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meal_voucher The above wiki article about meal vouchers is much more detailed in French: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titre_restaurant
  11. Google calc (their spreadsheet system available through https://drive.google.com) has some interesting functions for importing financial information. For example, consider the following cells: A1: TSE:CSU B1: CAD C1: =googlefinance(concatenate("CURRENCY:USD", B1)) D1: =googlefinance(A4,"marketcap")/C1/1000 In this sheet, C1 is the current USD/CAD exchange rate and D1 the market cap of CSU converted into dollars. Moreover, there are ways of scraping values out of html from yahoo finance, e.g. the GE Jan 2016 25.000 call (GE160115C00025000) can be extracted as follows: =index ( importhtml("http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=GE160115C00025000","table",0),3,2) (See discussion https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/google-finance/kdYtqATse-8/8-j-5EH0FroJ ) So you probably could build a pretty sophisticated system inside google calc... Best, jimjam
  12. Karthikpm: There does now appear to be a US based OTC ticker for Fairfax India: http://www.morningstar.com/stocks/PINX/FFXDF/quote.html I wonder if this is an ADR? Interactive Brokers doesn't seem to list FFXDF though, only FIH.U. Theoretically, does anyone know if buying an OTC stock instead of a Canadian one might be a way of getting around the potential FPIC tax problem referred to earlier in this thread for US investors? Warmly, jimjam
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