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Posts posted by Vish_ram

  1. Here is a path to $100BB MCAP for GME, a 10X from here


    1) Invest all cash in BTC

    2) keep closing unprofitable stores

    3) run a bare bones operation

    4) issue stock/bond/convertibles periodically and go back to 1. 

  2. The next issue of 10%. 

    the reason this works are

    1. inflation may run at 2-4% LT and cos pass these prices. Nominal stock prices reflect this

    2 Index returns reflect pop. Growth of 1-2%, productivity growth of 1-3%. 
    3. index returns also reflect more efficient companies that grow faster than GDP (M&A, mgmt incentives etc)


    add it all up, you easily get 10% or more. 

  3. There is no law that says market multiples have to be in this range and anything beyond will be subject to a mean reversion.


    To compare multiples of now vs 5, 10, 15 years of past is absurd. 
    1. the expectations of future rates were different in each of past years

    2. Relative dominance of platform cos were diff in past

    3. Expectations in anti-trust actions were different 

    4. market weighted composite ROIC, Growth etc of index are higher now and hence justify higher multiples. 


  4. 53. I came to US 25 years ago with $100 in my pocket. All life's trials and tribulations notwithstanding, I do feel lucky and have a lot to thank for. 


    There's nothing like pursuing your dreams and getting paid for it.  

  5. spacer.png


    What prevents Joe 6Pack Jr. to save in BTC and spend it using layer 2 networks using some app? Why does he need the $20 bill? 


    We will most likely end up with 2 parallel systems. Govt using CBDC or $ to tax/spend, Treasury to issue debt and Fed to do FOMC activities. This will be the inflating one and rest will use Crypto/Layer2. 

  6. It is because of the nature of the human mind to perceive transient prices as permanent. The fixation on HWM is real. Investors feel robbed of any $ that is below that high water mark. 


    My other pet peeve is, many won't invest in the market when it is all time high and want to wait for the pull back. When the pull back comes, they panic or wait for some more pull back. There is a huge demand for knowing short term market directions and no wonder market prognosticators have a thriving business. 

  7. The only logical/rational outcome to Israel conflict is that we need Israel & Palestine to exist as independent countries with peace. Every single person/entity/country that is opposing this outcome (it may take a while for Palestine to get that independence) has to be neutralized. 


  8. 18 hours ago, cubsfan said:

    The Palestinians elected a terrorist organization to run their country. Hamas, their elected choice, proceeds to murder all the moderates that oppose them. Then Hamas steal all the billions of dollars given to them by the UN, US & others - over $500M/yr.  Hamas uses the money for rockets, arms and tunnels - ignoring the needs of the Palestinians.  Yet, Hamas is backed for almost 20 years or perhaps they just murdered all their opponents?


    But somehow, Israel is responsible - while Egypt, Jordan and neighboring Arab countries want no Palestinians in their countries since they actively work to overthrow the host government, like they did in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon.  The Palestinians are trouble makers & harbor terrorists - and the result is the destruction of their own country. 


    You will not see peace until Hamas is 100% destroyed.


    An interesting parallel. Sri Lanka (majority Sinhalese) was treating Tamils as 2nd class citizens. This spawned quite a few political org in the north and it got support from Indian state of Tamilnadu (yours truly is from this place). Most of these groups were moderates and had widespread support of the people. There was no improvement in the plight of Tamils.


    Soon the frustration created a ruthlessly violent group called LTTE run by Prabakaran. First thing he did was to kill all opposition moderate leaders. He took total control of the movement. He basically killed more Tamils than Sinhalese. Soon India came in with peace keeping mission and this pissed off Prabakaran. He killed Rajiv Gandhi. Eventually Prabakaran got killed after a decade of civil war and LTTE is basically dead. 


    In any conflict, the most ruthless group has to either gain power and maybe turn moderate or should get killed. Even in WW2, the most violent folks in power (Axis powers) got eliminated and we got peace. In USSR, the violent Stalin consolidated power and there was some relative peace. 


    Only a total war can eliminate the violent group. There is no easy way out. 

  9. Everyone is focused on inflation picture. The unemp side is slowly getting uglier. 


    Af. Am. unemp is a canary in the coal mine. It is trending upwards



    The other indicator is "temp help". This is trending down solidly. 


    Leading causes of inflation are housing & car insurance right now. These two are the most lagging ones too (As per Siegel). There's a good chance that politicians will ramp up pressure on Fed once unemp. goes higher. 


  10. @thowed sorry my post wasn't directed at you. It was a general comment.


    I've several intelligent friends who get carried away by the "dollar collapse", "US in decline" crap and make sub-optimal portfolio allocation decisions


    Next theme is, "Markets have gone up too much, it has to drop". I know many who were in cash last several years and missed all the upside. What most don't understand is, with monetary inflation running between 8-10%, the stocks are poised to absorb that and go up. Why should markets drop precipitously when you've positive GDP growth, net immigration, productivity and dropping inflation?


    Last but not the least - Stagnation/lost decade etc. Many countries experience this. So it is natural to apply this theme to US. Where is it now? 


    The US politicians may appear to be like doddering old fools who bicker always. Look at their actions to bring back manufacturing, bank regulations, energy independence etc. 


  11. If I had a penny for everytime someone predicted a downfall for US, I would be a multi-millionaire. 


    Most people lack imagination on understanding as to why US is great. US has its flaws and chickens haven't come home to roost for fiscal deficit crisis. Even when this crisis erupts, you may have runaway inflation for a decade and then they'll fix stuff and move on.


    Still capital and people flow to this country. Now they are the unmatched world superpower. They lead the world in technology, biotech & numerous other fields. 


    I remember attending the 2006 annual berkie meeting and everyone carried a book "Collapse of the dollar". Well, nothing happened.


    One thing is clear, there is a huge cottage industry that makes money selling the gloom/doom prediction. You can bet your last $ that this industry will thrive no matter what (the Granthams/Hussmans et al). 


    Most of political stuff that media overplays is just noise. The cultural issues are just fluff. The divisions we see are just superficial in economic terms. The MSM knows how to make $ off of it. 

  12. It is amazing to watch the technology guys slowly challenge inefficient systems and vested interests.


    They blew up traditional media, disintermediated several industries, leveled the playing field for knowledge acquisition, search etc.


    And finally threaten the power of Fed/Banks to inflate at will. 

  13. 32 minutes ago, nsx5200 said:

    I didn't dig too deeply, but it seems like they had to borrow to buy back shares, and yet their EPS is still not going up, if Macrotrends' data is accurate.  Their operating performance is also not too consistent, even though their target market is the high volume, low margin business.  Doesn't smell like a no-brainer to me yet.  Is there something else besides the cannibal side that I missed, @Vish_ram?

    i focus on 5 year trend mainly on FCF/sh and its growth. EPS has generally trended higher.


    many companies have relevered their Balance sheet. If FCF is used to buyback stock with revenue growth intact, I’m all in. 

  14. Let me elaborate


    Macro: the attached pic outlines the overall approach. We use indicators like temp help, U6, job openings and several others. 


    Compounders selection: based on several factors

    1) buybacks - we run screens to find out companies that buyback at least 2%/annum and drill down more to find best ones

    2) we use koyfin for checking trends in margin, profitability, multiples (on P/S, EV/EBITDA, P/E etc), trends in FCF/sh

    3) company should be an industry leader (1 or 2)

    4) Long term record of good M&A, buy back

    5) Management incentivized and aligned

    6) Always trim if overvalued and back up the truck when cheap

    7) Constantly evaluate current positions with those in watchlist 

    8.) Maniacal focus on CFO, capex, FCF and trend

    9) Ignore turnarounds, hopium stocks

    10) only focus on stocks that have durable competitive advantage, pricing power

    11) Avoid all commodities 99% of the time

    12) Avoid leverage, penny/microcap/99% of small caps

    13) Avoid foreign stocks


    Last 5 years the annualized returns for clients were 20% after fees Vs 12.x for S&P 500. The use of macro significantly improved the performance. 


  15. Subject close to my heart. (disclaimer: I'm a RIA and my firm's objective is to outperform S&P 500 and have done it as well). Over time I've realized the beauty of cap weighted indices. 


    1) The index (SPY in context) just rebalances more often than a typical fund manager

    2) The index doesn't bring in the emotions, biases, valuations into account. Fund managers do

    3) Index is quick to embrace new companies, concepts, ideas. if world moves towards a paradigm where tech companies rule the world, index automatically readjusts itself. The idiot fund mgr are stuck in the old paradigm.

    4) Index doesn't worry about macro, cash position etc. It is fully invested all the time

    5) Index reflects truth, the economy, sum total of people's preferences & actions, reflects the effect of macro/micro policies, reflects total effect of collective R&D, policies of govt etc. Most folks can't price them all in fast enough in the long run

    6) Index is the most efficient in kicking out losers, reducing exposure to future losers and relentlessly adding to winners. Fund managers fail to do this big time. 


    The only soundest advice I can get behind is what Buffett gave to his wife. All rest is garbage to a varying degree.

    “Put 90% in S&P 500 and rest in US treasury”. 


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