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Everything posted by Gardener

  1. I hadn't seen it yet, thanks for the share!
  2. I understand what you are saying, but this is a bit of a crooked reasoning in some cases. Would I buy a book on performing surgery on the spine, read it over the weekend and perform an operation on Monday ==> absolutely not. Would I read a book on investing, read it over the weekend, and place an order for EUR 1 mio on Monday ==> absolutely not. But Joe Average his investing portfolio is probably fairly limited (maybe EUR 5000?) to start with en thus it can make (more) sense to start trading on Monday while learning.
  3. I've read it and enjoyed it. The book covers different aspects of Google that make it stand out against "normal" companies. As you would expect, the abnormal performance of the company over its existence is directly attributed to these aspects (e.g. a very specific culture). Some things that are being discussed - importance of building great products - importance of hiring the best people/engineers (and paying the best wages) - importance of using data and evidence to take decisions - importance of giving people the freedom to try and fail -... Overall there certainly is a lot to learn from the examples and facts written together in the book. On the other hand, you shouldn't read the book for a very objective study of what worked and what didn't. For me, it would have been more interesting if they shed a little more light on "what didn't work" as to "how google works" now. All in all, 8/10. G
  4. Just ordered this book on Amazon, hoping for some great insights during my summer holiday ;) G
  5. 1) I try to write my e-mails as concise and clear-cut as possible. I hate it when people send me e-mails that I read and where I do not get what it is that they want/need from me. It's insane how much time you can lose just on reading e-mails. 2) I try not to use my phone (too often) when at work. 3) I love driving a car, but I never drive my car to work. I always use public transportation (which is reasonably comfortable where I live) and read while commuting. This is 1,5 h per day that I can read/work while commuting. I don't really mind commuting when I can read/work. Often (but not always) I work from home (1-2 times a week). 4) I limit my time in front of the television. Often when I watch television, it is with my spouse or with friends. 5) I listen to podcasts while in the car.
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