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Everything posted by keerthiprasad

  1. I know the economy is still looking pretty tough to much of the board, but I was wondering if anyone has been following TravelCenters of America? I was recently traveling through the Midwest for job interviews and stopped a bunch of their locations. Incidentally, one my interviewers actually told me to check out TA. I really haven't paid much attention to them in a couple years and am just starting to get caught up now. I was just wondering what everyone's opinion is. thanks guys
  2. I was fearing that I may have to check myself into some sort of rehab program...
  3. I was hoping to see Gore take the Ross Perot approach....(it wouldve been much more entertaining)
  4. I've followed Ron Paul and Peter Schiff for some time now. I agree that not everything they suggest is practical. However, I will say that I am convinced they are much smarter than most of the people making decisions today. Remember that Buffett's father was very similar to Ron Paul and it seems to have worked well for Warren.... "History of Money" sounds like an interesting read. I think I may pick it up. Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. I think most people fail to realize that there is no evidence to suggest that this plan will increase our population's longevity (an often cited desire). However, increased mortality is definitely well correlated with our president's tobacco and junk food habits.
  6. The government has no real "budget." They can "afford" to lose all the money they want if it means getting what they want.
  7. http://www.glassdoor.com/blog/glassdoor-q3-ceo-watch-list-report-highest-lowest-ceo-approval-ratings-reveal-employee-opinions-influenced-proximity-ceo/ Glassdoor made a list of their lowest rated CEO's with more than 50 employee reviews. Most of them are not very surprising. Enjoy!
  8. i wonder if the price increases are inflation related...and how long walmart can actually raise prices.
  9. yeah...seems kind of odd actually?
  10. Where is the meeting going to be planned for?
  11. I'll be there for sure! look forward to meeting you guys
  12. http://www.autoblog.com/2009/08/23/report-byd-pushes-american-ev-launch-ahead-to-2010/ It looks like BYD will start selling cars here in 2010! It will be interesting to see if electric cars take hold and cause a true shift in the market. Many competitive advantages could be created or diminished. Personally, I think electric autos will be of limited usefulness and largely relegated to urban areas (at least it appears so today). Hydrogen fuel cells on the other hand seem a bit off, but much more promising.
  13. ~50% cash 20% FFH 30% other stocks (SNS, SHLD, ISIS...) I'm a poor med student and don't really trade too often, hence I try to buy things I can hang on to for awhile.
  14. glenn beck is pretty out there....but Ron Paul and Patrick Byrne are my favorite outsiders
  15. thanks...these were nice.
  16. is anyone here going to the Chicago meeting? I should be there.
  17. I once read an article discussing microsoft coming up with this idea in the early part of this decade. The risk of losing this cash cow was the reason this project was suppressed. Its funny how many chances the mighty get before they fall...
  18. thanks....i'll be sure to set the DVR
  19. Are corporate governance issues common? With so many family controlled businesses it would seem likely. Are microcaps/smallcaps easily valued? Can their numbers be trusted?
  20. What is the operating environment for hedge funds in India. Is the barrier to entry very high?
  21. I have had very similar thoughts and always regret reading his NYT articles.
  22. happy birthday! Although i am more of a lurker here, I have always felt very welcome when i do post. I am very appreciative of this.
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