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Everything posted by Jurgis

  1. I think this thread will jump the shark in 3... 2... In general though, I believe in tech solutions to this problem. And I think that the solutions should be emphasized by people/scientists who talk about this issue. Scaremongering never works. People just shut it out. Unfortunately that's what I mostly see. In short, we'll have singularity in ~40 years after which climate will be a solved problem. Just hang on until then. ;)
  2. Americans... ::) :o Supersize me baby. Have you been to an Indian wedding? Went to my first one in New Delhi last July. 200 is indeed medium compared to an Indian wedding. I was half kidding. Yeah, I am aware of Indian weddings. For me, 50 person wedding is large. But whatever makes youse guys happy. :) I'm not judging. :) Peace and love and all that. :)
  3. Americans... ::) :o Supersize me baby.
  4. I only look at the spending that I don't want to spend through the lens of compounding. 8) So, no, I'm not going to Omaha. I'm buying couple BRK shares instead. :P
  5. That marshmallow ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_marshmallow_experiment ) you ate when you were five... coulda been a fortune when you're seventy. ;D
  6. But you personally prefer Fannie prefs vs Freddie prefs because of some (minor?) legal differences (different state law?)? Edit: I understand that what you wrote was for single company prefs only, I am not implying that you said that different company prefs are legally the same.
  7. Jurgis: Yes, I do have access to the online version, but it is not quite the same. I enjoy perusing the print. I find that I wind up reading many more articles in print than I do online. Many years ago, I was a paper delivery boy. I don't think they exist these days, the delivery is handled by adults. Barrons is also orders of magnitude more expensive than the paper was/is. I would try and get to know/tip the delivery person, but I've never got an issue in Detroit! Yeah, I understand. I also read paper version and barely glance at online. I was partly kidding about deliver boys. My previous delivery person left tipping envelopes with delivery, so I assumed they were somewhat independent party, possibly not well paid. :) Your issue seems to be with the deliver contract organization and not delivery person. Maybe keep reporting "delivery issue" in Barron's online portal. Maybe Barron's will hit their contract organization for your area at some point... Good luck
  8. I'm getting printed version of Barron's. I mostly did not have issues with delivery. They changed deliverer recently in my area. Couple issues went missing. I reported it online and got the sub extended 2 weeks and no delivery problems since. They use third party delivery - Warren Buffett newspaper boys haha - that are presumably not well compensated. One possibility might be to get to know your local delivery person and tip them - if it's consistently the same person... BTW, you should have online version access together with your print subscription. That might not be much consolation, but you can access full print version online...
  9. LOL. :) Thanks for vote of confidence Picasso. 8) ::) ??? :o ;D Thanks Sanjeev for great organization, great dinner, great speakers and overall fun. Best wishes with your company and with your ongoing charitable collection.
  10. There are places in US (and I bet in Canada) where you can get similar property for $30,000-50,000. Possibly even in nicer neighborhood.
  11. PFHO - They lost 13% client in June last year and then they lost 30% client in December: http://yahoo.brand.edgar-online.com/displayfilinginfo.aspx?FilingID=11289552-883-212659&type=sect&TabIndex=2&dcn=0001185185-16-004075&nav=1&src=Yahoo So much for the greatness of PFHO management that pushed it up 50x. I guess that's a great example of risk in doing concentrated nanocap portfolio and/or buy-holding nanocaps. The stock may look cheap even through most of 50x rise and then it blows a huge hole into almost complete roundtrip. Maybe deep DD on the ground can avoid this. Maybe. Will there be act II of this show? :)
  12. ::) Points ain't free. First of all, you can use them for other things including cash, so they have monetary value. Second, even if you get them for signup, it's not really "free". Do you do accounting this way too? :) Would you like your companies to do accounting this way? "Yeah, we give out options, but it's really no cost. It's free." ??? OTOH, if you can get everything for two signup bonuses, that's around $400 or so. So yeah, very cheap for a flight + 5 nights in a hotel + car rental. The hotel seems to be the biggest score. Great point juggling there - I don't do points, always take cashback. This is second time where I'm amazed how farther points seem to go. Not free though. ;)
  13. http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/events/fairfax-lollapalooza-2016/ ::)
  14. Let's have another thread about how true investors read over 1000 pages per day. 8) ::) ;D
  15. Wonderful business that could and possibly should have died during the Great Recession. I'm somewhat surprised when MCO is quoted as an example of company to put into concentrated portfolios. What if US regulators had more teeth?
  16. Just sayin' ;) But, yeah, any further BAM discussion probably should go to BAM thread. Peace.
  17. Reasonably priced might be better description. I did not do a deep dive, not sure I could with their subs, investments, and corporate structure. Surface ratios look OK: P/E, P/B, P/S, but they are perhaps not great for evaluating company like BAM. Presumably good/great management. Cons: Not cheap based on AUM? Cycle? RE asset allocation high? May be lower in the future? This week's Barron's questions some of their accounting. FWIW. Another risk is that they are quite big now based on AUM. In summary, it might be a good company at OK price for some exposure to RE and alternative asset management if you trust the management. I won't pound on the table about it though, since it's rather complex.
  18. Bump up in case anyone still wants to vote.
  19. Bump up in case anyone still wants to vote.
  20. That's correct. But you can also lever using options, so same argument applies, no?
  21. Sardar Biglari to take over Pershing Square investments, selling Fannie/Freddie, buying ZINC bonds. Says "Pershing Square investment holdings mirror platform value I have built with Maxim. We have a long runway ahead of us".
  22. I got tired typing "maybe", so all below are "maybe": BRK, FFH, EXOSF, BAM, BAC, JPM, AAPL, Liberties, CXRX, PSH ( I just had to add that for controversy 8) ) Yeah, but not tons. Some of these were 10-20% cheaper a month ago.
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