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Everything posted by frog03

  1. Kind of weird... Howard is not able to do anything but fire the CEO....
  2. They don't have reports but basically everything else (tons of stats, news, screener, backtester).
  3. UncleStock. the great benefit is an integrated backtester. Otherwise you screen for something that you think might work but may or may not
  4. BVPS Q4 2019 somewhere along 160 for B shares With a conservative 1.5 multiple we arrive to 240. Plenty of poential from here (with buybacks providing a cushion...)
  5. BVPS per B share. 150...
  6. No news of the 2018 letter?
  7. He may even reopen the fund!
  8. 1M market cap this gives you what 5K daily volume, maybe much less. Unless you have a very small portfolio, this is not going to work.
  9. 1m market cap seems way too low to be meanindgful. What results do you get if you bump this to say 50 mn? Thx
  10. Do you know where we can read his 2017 letter?
  11. 2% outperformance vs the index. In a taxable account, likely no better than the index...
  12. Packer, congrats and best of luck. What is your IRR over the last dozen years or so? Thx
  13. In the US and Canada the best money managers typically run hedge funds and not mutual funds since they are more lucrative and flexible... Look at Allan Mecham performance over 15 years (especially pre-fees). I'd think one would argue that he trounced the market...
  14. + Many Picasso, you are the man!
  15. In India, we have Piramal. In South Africa, we have Bidvest and PSG. Any folks care to share names of businesses/mgrs in emerging markets with superb track record?
  16. Any news? Thx
  17. I'd love to get an additional interview of Mecham. Outside of the one you did 5 + years ago, I am not aware of any. Thanks!
  18. Reporting performance gross of fees does not sit too well with me.
  19. Sure, look at PCP for instance.
  20. Interesting but this highlights GOOG's performance more than BRK's. BRK was taken over 50 years ago but GOOG was incorporated in 1998. In light of marketcap evolution GOOG is much more impressive than BRK.
  21. Berkowitz has barely beaten the market over the last 10 years...
  22. Agree that it would be better to measure book value per share than price per share. This being said, the track record for FFH over the last 15 years is less than overwhelming.
  23. Thanks for sharing. There are actually a few managers that have done better than Mr. Watsa over the long term, just in Canada for instance, and many more outside of Canada.
  24. It seems that with each year passing Warren has to be more and more on the media. Not necessarily a good thing in my book.
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