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  1. Hard to believe we have such a competent energy secretary. Energy realism https://open.substack.com/pub/robertbryce/p/chris-wright-we-need-more-energy?r=9iue0&utm_medium=ios
  2. Welcome back to Dalal.Holdings. My European stock suggestion is PROT.OL, which I think has the makings of a multibagger, even though it is already a multibagger. Namely a small market cap, large market opportunity, shareholder friendly management, disciplined underwriting. They started underwriting in France January 1st. Lots of countries to enter over the coming years.
  3. In current arrangements, he believes the other side is taking advantage of the United States. Not saying he is right. As far as deals as infinitum, I believe he thinks there is so much to be put right that he will be plenty busy for four years.
  4. My anecdotal experience supports what you say. I live in a full service NYC condo. The 50 odd employees are predominantly people of color, many of whom were born in other countries. They are basically all Trumpsters. I asked one of the Puerto Rican guys what he thought of the term Latinx. He made a disgusted look on his face. He said when he sees a BLM sign he wants to rip it down. He asked me “why white women so stupid”? An African immigrant was robbed and beaten in the subway. He said that he doesn’t respect black Americans. These guys scoffed at Biden’s open borders to illegal migrants, because they came here legally. Regarding the idea that Trump hasn’t accomplished anything yet. I can tell you the illegal migrants here in NYC have vanished. Very noticeable.
  5. To do that successfully, they would have to expedite permitting, deregulate, etc. Not in their DNA.
  6. This is not 1938 or 1941. Putin not will push further for living space (lebensraum) for the Russian people or “rush to the Caucasus” to seize the non existent oil resources of Western Europe. It is also not 1949 when we “marshaled” our funds to lift Europe off the canvas. New world circumstances logically dictate for Europe to take the lead in Ukraine going forward. We’ll try to focus on China.
  7. Prot.ol announced positive gross written premium growth for 2004, particularly Q4.(up 30%, with 82% of the growth in the UK). They just entered France January 1st and are seeing strong demand there.
  8. It was very easy to set up a 2 year treasury ladder at Schwab. When a rung matures semiannually, the proceeds will automatically be reinvested at the then current 2 year rate.
  9. Orthopa, thank you for your time and contribution to the board. Just to clarify are you an ER medical doctor or an orthopedic physician assistant?
  10. SBUX 25% MA 25% MCO 15% CABO 15% MKL 10% Cash 10%
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