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Posts posted by doughishere

  1. Lib, whad you think?


    I unfortunately still haven't had a chance to watch it  :'(


    I want to watch it with two of my friends who are also fans of Deadwood, and it's been hard to make the schedules line up.


    All good. I will refrain from saying anything then.



    I feel like cobf could use spoiler tags (>!Spoilers go here!<) that black out text the reveal it on click. I feel like its pretty easy css to implement.

  2. Hey all:


    Has anyone else noticed that talk of UFO's are slowly percolating through the mainstream media?


    For example, even the NYT has now picked up on what was discussed earlier in this thread.  Please see:




    One new nugget of information that has been disclosed is that these sightings have started once new, advanced RADAR systems were brought online.  These UFO's would show up for hours at a time on RADAR.  At first, they were ignored and thought to be a flaw in the system.  Then they actually went out to see with their eyes/cameras what was going on, and sure enough, there were UFO's.


    There is another part of the article that makes me scratch my head. Leon Golub is quoted as saying that the chance it is extraterrastials is exceedingly low and is probably swamp gas, reflected lights, or a glitch in the recording system, or neurological overload.  I wonder if that is a generic quote OR if that is his quote in reaction to this story.  If that is NOT a generic quote, I've got to question Mr. Golub's experience/intelligence.  It is most clearly NOT neurological overload, the UFO's were first picked up on the new advanced RADAR.  Then it was SIGHTED by the pilots eyes.  Then it was recorded on video tape.  How could that be reflected lights?  To suggest otherwise is simply moronic.


    This is also NOT a 1 time event.  While not happening frequently, it has been observed MULTIPLE times.


    What is VERY CLEAR, is that there is something out there.  99.99% chance.  The one chance that there is NOT something out there is that this might be an elaborate government hoax? 


    Assuming it is not a hoax, What is not clear is who made it, who is piloting/controlling it, what exactly it is (drone, fighter, experiment, amusement park ride?), what the technology is OR what it's intentions are.


    This should be getting more press and attention than what it is.



    Why dont we see more of this on like reddit or something given that at any moment theres 15k+ aircraft in the air at a given time? Most Im willing to venture have cell phone cameras in them. Cloaking Devices?

  3. bot a small (speculative bio) position in ziop over the last month or so. not necessarily today but i haven't shared it because the "investing" community of which we are all apart of can be kinda judgmental from time to time and lets face it is a speculative bio these things generally dont work.

  4. A “sobering” report from the real estate website Zillow attempted to explain that the reason millennials rent instead of buy is because they spend money on lavish bachelor or bachelorette parties instead of saving. But this generation, quite simply, can’t afford homes. Our stagnant incomes must go toward the loans we took out for college in the misguided belief that a higher education would lead to a down payment on a house, affordable health care and other relics that once defined our parents’ generation.


    It makes sense that if you have to pay off your $70K student loans you'll have less money for a down payment and will then have to delay home ownership. Tuition was nowhere near this high 20 years ago.


    Smooth, I would also add that boomers are responsible for this insane increase in health care over the last 15years.

  5. Here's the podcast I got it from. Unedited version is what I went straight to.



    The Mind Is a Difference-Seeking Machine. On Being w/ Krista Tippett.



    The science of implicit bias is one of the most promising fields for animating the human change that makes social change possible. The social psychologist Mahzarin Banaji is one of its primary architects. She understands the mind as a “difference-seeking machine” that helps us order and navigate the overwhelming complexity of reality. But this gift also creates blind spots and biases as we fill in what we don’t know with the limits of what we do know. This is science that takes our grappling with difference out of the realm of guilt and into the realm of transformative good.


    For me the difficulty was wondering if I was fast enough.


    For the one I did, andI only did one so far, I already knew was bias and was honest with myself that I had that bias towards a particular side and it was interesting. Even before I took the test ive recognized that bias though my own interactions with a modern day app. In fact, I've been open about it with friends and even strangers.




    I plan on doing more later.

  6. Heres a cool little website to test your implicit biases. I was listening to a podcast and it forwarded me to this site.



    Blurb about Project Implicit.

    Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition - thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control. The goal of the organization is to educate the public about hidden biases and to provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the Internet.


    Project Implicit was founded in 1998 by three scientists – Tony Greenwald (University of Washington), Mahzarin Banaji (Harvard University), and Brian Nosek (University of Virginia). Project Implicit Mental Health launched in 2011, led by Bethany Teachman (University of Virginia) and Matt Nock (Harvard University). Project Implicit also provides consulting services, lectures, and workshops on implicit bias, diversity and inclusion, leadership, applying science to practice, and innovation. If you are interested in finding out more about these services, visit https://www.projectimplicit.net/organization.html.




    The test(s) website: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html


    Ive only taken one so far but have found it interesting. Enjoy.

  7. Time to get back on topic or remain silent imo. Doug asked a personal question and didn’t ask for a debate. Sorry, if I contributed to the thread digressing.


    The private replies have been great. Really appreciate those that reached out.

  8. Dude, the answer is obvious: DON'T ASK. Also if you really want to know, I'll tell you: based on his ribbons he's killed someone.


    Vietnam was a long time ago. If he would have wanted to talk about it he would have. If he didn't let it be. What does it matter anyway. He did what he did in Vietnam and then he came home and was your father. Focus on the your father thing and leave old scars alone. This is not a hard one.



    Thanks, rb. Appreciate the suggestions.

  9. Trauma is incredibly difficult to address. In terms of wars, Vietnam was especially difficult on returning soldiers. Pushing or forcing a discussion is not going to be helpful.


    Lc, it leaves me wanting more...its like im missing some sort of piece of the puzzle. like a giant gaping hole. i dont know maybe its just me.



    like i understand its a hard kinda trauma because these guys are coerced into doing it. they dont want to but they throw a gun in your face and march you off to some foreign land when your young and dumb but its not like a car accident where it just happens....people emotionally force them to do this.




    it been over 15 years since I asked that q. like part of me just wants him to level with me as a father-son but the other part of me knows he was 18 when it happened...im older in my life than he was when he whent over and now he mid 60s.


    and thats part of the problem with me is that theres nothing real(or perhaps too real...probably that)...it was just a year..we dont talk about it.


    Its hard for me because its like this giant "thing" that happened. like i will never be there. i will never experience it.


    i dont say i wish i experienced it...the documentary has been kinda nice in a way since i get to hear about it from others....at least other guys/gals go back and visit that they reconcile it...what a mess.


    I dont know. thats shy im reaching out. perhaps thats not even wanted. I appreciate your words.



    Edit: I also want to say that my default position is not to talk about it but it is something that relates to me in a tertiary kind of way and i do believe I have some grounds to stand on when I to talk about it......probably not though....i never earned it.


    Edit2: The other thing that makes it difficult for me is I never went into service so I feel like I have no ground to stand on in this subject matter...("feel" is a shitty word....I completely understand, 100%, that i have no ground to stand upon)  sorry I would just add that. I not mad about it I just know that Im not in a position to "demand" things here.

  10. This is a personal question. Serious replies only. No garbage politics.



    My father is a Vietnam vet. Came home with 2 Purple Hearts (Edit: plus others) years b4 I was born. When I was young I distinctly remember asking him "did you kill anyone"? I dont remember how old I was but it was the first time I remember registering in my brain that he was a Vet and what that meant.



    Should I ask that again? I dont know what to do. I wish I had a straight answer, and im pretty sure I know the answer. We dont talk about it. Anyone have anything. Any Ideas? I want a straight answer out of him but Im afraid of bringing all that up. I want to know. I want to know about it but am afraid of asking. My wishes are not all that concern me though and want to....for lack of better words.....lessen the impact on my father. He's been through enough. Although, my curiosity has me and I want to know about these things.



    Edit: I would also add that in our family talking about Vietnam is semi like what they talk about in the Ken Burns documentary.....ie its like talking about an alcoholic or something. We really dont discuss it. I dont push him b/c its....well its war....is legalized murder.  I just wondering b/c hes like 60 and not dead yet but you know not exactly a spring chicken. He was US Army, drafted. Honorably discharged. Vietnam 68-71ish, not exactly sure...we dont talk about it. It was late though for sure. Ive seen the medals. 


    Veteran (or legitimate personal experience with v's) replies would be best imo keep it away from the riff raff that has no personal experience in this. DMs are preferred and am very ok with personal email addresses as this is a boku private thing.


    I just dont know what to do but want to know but am ok with just letting it be.


    Edit2:I would also add that he's been an incredible father and has never laid a had on my mother and a wonderful human being.  I will never be as good as he is as a human being hes just stern when I try to pick at this a bit and I just want to try and underand. Multitudes more humble than I am. Zero violence in my growing up.


    This is something Ive struggled with in MY relationship with him and am just looking for a new approach. And Im getting to the point that theres nothing and I should just stop. I care for him so I just want wats best for him.

  11. This is something to think about as you progress through your life but you have a digital footprint that is very real and doesnt take much talent other than putting a few keywords in a google search.


    I'm not going to get all preachy and ive made my share of mistakes through life but it is something you should consider and think about. I do from time to time.


    The internet wont go away. The information stored on it wont go away. Videos/Comments/Tweets/Whatever. For instance people are watching every tweet Elon Musk makes and recording them in a time line. Tweets are being used in court cases...SMS text messages are being used in court cases as evidence. These types of things.


    Your messages and internet traffic may be being routed through god knows what. Apps are saving messages hidden on your phones.....these things are real.


    And this isnt just about politics or the latest outrage. You can literally view old Michael Burry posts from 2000 and before. Theyre not even that hard to find.










    These are just examples and the same goes for me. Just some thoughts.

  12. I nearly invested in this Egyptian tourism business, but then I realized it was just a pyramid scheme.



    I bought the Giza pyramids back in 1998 & here's me & my agent getting ready to go to the closing.

    He was much better as a sales agent than he is as a property manager.

    I still haven't received any rent checks & think I've got squatters.


    BTW, nice mullet, huh?



    A+ mullet. Or should I say rad mullet, man.

  13. Ohh well. Blue balls it continues to be.


    Congrats on 1k!


    It's always fun when a non-millionaire mocks a group of millionaires on how patient they are being for a thesis to play out.


    Wow. Hey man. You tilted? Lol, I’ve made money on trading this. Lol.


    Tilted? Not even close. Glad to hear you've made money trading it, but my comment was based on my pet peeve of those with less success at something (whether it's investing, athletic ability, personal finance, etc.) mocking the very traits that have made those more successful than them, well, more successful.


    lol. Ohh. Ok. Thats what set you off this morning.

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