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  1. Tanla Solutions (india) ~50% (mostly from capital appreciation) Subex (india) - 5% Umanis SA - 7% Telecom Italia - 6% SHSP -5% LICT - 5% Bollore - 4% DFIN - 3% MMAC - 3% LBRDA - 2% OPXS - 2% TMDX and DMTK ~ 4% Few other tiny positions in Hong Kong
  2. 2015 was a volatile year (personally speaking). Been attached to a 4-yr business project that has tested my patience, my sanity and my family. In 2016, I''ll be finally moving on. 2016 Goals 1. Get a new gig - anything will do, so long as I'm not working from home and get some work/life balance. 2. Health and well being - my health has taken its toll over the last 4 yrs, so getting back into jiu-jitsu training, finding a tennis partner, bike-riding with friends 3. Family - more fishing trips with my son, finally make my wife happy and commit to more DIY projects at home and take her for salsa classes. 4. Learn to code (VB, C#, C++ and Python for now), a means of career development, I plan to create small projects for myself and basically learn by doing. (For those who have taught themselves.. Any advice/resources are welcome). 5. Attend more meetups, join a local Toastmasters club.
  3. Not sure how big your project will be, but here are some quick points from my experiences: A - how hard this game is - if it was easy everyone would be doing it successfully B - the importance of governance C - the importance of infrastructure (varies based on operational process, e.g. for systematic ctas/quantitative-based funds - algos and automation for entire execution and operational process, this needs to be in place from Day 1) D - the need for experienced people (Everyone knows a thing or two about food, but there's a big difference between eating in a restaurant and cooking in the kitchen) E - Flexibility in your personal finances - a cash buffer (maybe 1 yr living expenses), a spouse that can bring home extra income - anything that helps you not tax the business too much in its first year of operation - F - if you have a complex tax structure - then the importance of quality legal and tax advice - sometimes having a member/non-exec working for a top law firm or big 4 acctng can go a long way in negotiating fees G - Importance of negotiating contracts with your service providers - all first drafts of service provider contracts will, at some level, make them non-liable for the very service you are hiring them for (Custodian, Prime brokers, Administrators, PMS providers, etc) - paying up for a good lawyer that understands this and negotiate on your behlalf can save you heaps in future. H - the importance of planning I - the importance of communication & culture
  4. Not sure what is his cost or %holdings on the indian banks but they are down 30-40% over the last 12 months(roughly the same time when we first heard of these new investments).
  5. +26% YTD & +31% 1yr, I would attribute the performance to favourable ccy movements (base is AUD, and this has weakened abt 15% YTd against USD, EUR, GBP - majority of my holdings) and a bit of luck (sizeable position in NTLS and GNCMA). Quite a bit of volatility in my returns YTD, given my exposure to O&G and Russia.
  6. Planmaestro, bluegrasscap, barbarian cap, ed borgado, valuetakes, ben carlson, brattle st cap, tadas viskanta, johan hjortsson, elliott turner, greenwood investors, liberty, irrelevant investor(for this wit), nasim taleb(for his expletives)
  7. Added to my positions in AIQ, FCAU and my HK realestate investment basket
  8. I receive his newsletters and I know a lot of institutional investors, SWFs read his commentaries.
  9. A corner boy from the Wire discovers value investing ;D ;D
  10. I'm curious. Why is adesigar not getting the same comment? +1
  11. NTLS and Clarke this week
  12. https://fundooprofessor.wordpress.com/2015/05/10/friend/
  13. I was determined to sit for the CFA exams more out of interest and finance education. Completed all three levels but havent bothered with applying for the charter.
  14. Thought this might be of interest: https://www.foragerfunds.com/bristlemouth/verizon-blows-apart-bundle#
  15. Ezesoft's Tradar PMS should be more than adequate for your needs. Advent is the rolls royce of PMS providers, industry standard, used by all top Fund Admins, you will never outgrow this system but they are prohibitively expensive for the average start-up fund and we question how they justify some of their setup costs cheers
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