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  1. Perceptive Advisors has done 30% annually net of fees for about 20 years, with only 2 down years: https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b19hj4gjrwh1x9/The-41-Man
  2. I think it's a really good bet to put money on Mayweather. Even at 40 years old, Mayweather would school great fighters with no pro boxing experience. McGregor doesn't have the fast twitch muscles to catch Mayweather with good shots. Unless Mayweather boxes with one hand, McGregor has no chance.
  3. You may also like BML Investment Partners
  4. Threads like this mean it's time to raise cash and/or hedge.
  5. Besides all the things that could go wrong with the one idea, you never know what the market is going to do. What if the market doesn't reward your favorite idea? With a put, I guess you won't lose much, but there are opportunity costs. In a one stock portfolio, you lose a lot of flexibility with portfolio management.
  6. Thanks, was an interesting read. So is there a living owner operator in the O&G space with a similar success story? (And how much of that was luck when you look at oil & LNG price charts?) DeeThree has been quite successful. What's interesting is that the CEO is all-in the stock.
  7. The only competitive advantage is to be among the lowest cost producers. Check out 'The Contango Story.' The company's success had a lot to do with the incentives.
  8. Macro musings from Robert Reich:
  9. Turtle Creek's case study is interesting. They took a 9% per annum stock (assuming buy and hold) and turned it into 70% per annum (by trading in n' out) for 14 years!
  10. http://seekingalpha.com/author/steven-reiman He covers small-caps. Very good author. http://seekingalpha.com/author/mitchell-sacks
  11. Did anyone catch these Easter Eggs from the final episode? http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/18-fun-easter-eggs-in-the-breaking-bad-series-finale
  12. You're right. I think I was scared off by the free riding message that shows before using unsettled funds, so I never bothered trying. In that case, I don't know why IB's cash account has a restriction. IB has a separate Reg T margin account.
  13. I use Scottrade cash account. I need to wait 3 days for it to settle. Margin accounts have cash available on the same day.
  14. I think I figured it out, but it's too late for us! "Invest" in Mayweather for ~ 40% return in one day :)
  15. Scottrade has flexible reinvestment. That feature is nice, especially for roth IRA
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