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Posts posted by xtreeq

  1. Well, I'm just a young guy with no Wall St. experience, but I'll say she is probably a very intelligent person considering she works at GS and has a CFA. Perhaps not, but probably. That said, she operating in a system that has incentivized her to write anything to help sell products. Her incentives are aligned with her employers other business operations. Also, if anyone gives her or GS trouble they can say it is her opinion, not fact.


    Look at incentives, opinion vs. fact and always do your own research. You probably know that though.  ;D


    But yea, kinda silly sometimes lol


    Read the CFAI Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct:




    ... and you will better understand that she is very likely NOT living up to her obligation as a Charterholder ... classic Standard I(B) and V(A) failure IMHO

  2. Well good for you :)


    I just noticed your "The harder you work, the luckier you get." - could not agree more, though I had only about 200 hours to put into L2, so I guess luck did play a part ... I'd love to chat about prep materials etc. I'm reachable at gpmagnus@yahoo.com



  3. Congrats guys - very happy (and jealous)!


    Phacelia - I do not know how you calculated 8%, but since CFAI does not publish separate numbers for 1st time takers and retakers, the number I believe you are suggesting is a maximum ... more likely for 3/3 people the real statistics are (my rough estimates)


    LI - about 30%, as retakers will have a significant advantage


    LII - about 40%, retakers have an advantage but not such a great one as this is a tough exam (as we all know)


    LIII - no idea, but I assume its again skewed in favor of retakers, so let's assume 45%


    This comes out to around 5.5% .... so I would say anywhere between 5 and 8 percent chance


    Are you taking L3 next June? Have you signed up yet?

  4. Liberty, Phacelia - congrats!


    I also passed L2 after passing L1 this past December ... 2/2 is a very sweet feeling, but not half as sweet or as useful as the stuff I've learned here in this forum. You would think CFAI would bother to at least have a good thorough section about how to analyze a company's management instead of some of the nonsensical stuff that is in the CBOK (at least for us of the value cloth), but I'm just happy to move on to L3!

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