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Everything posted by xtreeq

  1. Here's the video on fb https://www.facebook.com/econclubny/videos/2248264695265915/
  2. Congrats and good luck!
  3. Congrats Sanjeev!
  4. This is great! I really hate using word to compare filings.
  5. OIBR ... it hit a bottom a few days back and has since climbed up and keeps climbing slwoly - you could perhaps make 10% by the end of the week. More importantly, if you buy now (0.88$) you will be buying lower than most everyone else and it has 90% upside according to Packer :) I am long OIBR, but .... Caveat emptor!
  6. Well put! Sadly, though, people as a group excel at deluding themselves .... so nobody knows when the "waking up" will take place
  7. Just for fun, I went on Alexa.com to check out the site rank of seekingalpha.com: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/seekingalpha.com Now it is the 326th most visited site in the US and the 901st in the world ... last time I looked at this data (last summer) it was 590th in the US. More interesting - the demographics are changing, with the proportion of people with no college education visiting the site growing. I leave it in each of your capable hands to figure out what this means. Gio - thanks for the article on the EU. I agree with the sentiment - Europe is a time bomb ... however the "fancy" economic equation reminded me of my level 1 CFA exam :)
  8. Nice, Congratulations!
  9. I believe it's this http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-03-11/senators-release-details-of-new-bill-eliminating-fannie-mae.html
  10. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
  11. Outstanding! No need to throw away money on a flashy website.
  12. Interesting, Thanks for posting
  13. Where I live there are really no cheap cars due to high import taxes and one country dealer/importer monopoly - a new 4D Honda Civic with a 1.6 liter engine costs more than USD 40,000 :(
  14. As a practical matter, channel the negative emotions you have towards your job/boss/coworkers towards a discrete goal that helps you grow and learn and get those better opportunities you want.
  15. Really nice to see people's backgrounds! My educational background is law, military history and business ... and I have passed the first 2 levels of the CFA exams ;D I've been a criminal prosecutor, a tax lawyer for one of the Big 4, a consultant at M/B/B and for the past few years I have owned a small business that caters to hospitals and retirement homes and done some real estate projects. I cannot say I have any profound knowledge of a particular industry, but I try to learn as much as I can about how things work.
  16. The Force is strong with this one...
  17. Also missed AIQ, SSW and PWE/PWT
  18. Yes! Of course!! Go to twacowfca, Eric, Packer, Al, Kraven, Onyx1, Sanjeev, etc. for actual returns… But come to me, if you want to enjoy the mental game!! ;D ;D ;D ;D Gio Meraviglioso Gio, ma si ottiene anche i risultati :D Andiamo!
  19. I'm a novice at this pursuit so thanks for the perspective. I think any year in which you do not lose your capital's purchasing power cannot be thought of as "bad" ... as for good - this is more subjective. I find that I sometimes enjoy the mental game far more than the actual returns! I think Gio is the same in this way ;)
  20. Up 42.37% YTD, primarily thanks to a big investment in a distressed bond I made two years ago.
  21. My guess would be that Vanity Fair did some photoshopping... ;)
  22. VF Daily has obtained the latest in Dan Loeb’s long string of activist letters to company leadership. The target this time? Father Christmas himself. http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2013/12/dan-loeb-letter-santa-claus
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