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Everything posted by cubsfan

  1. True friends pay their bills equally. Canada's NATO contribution is 1.3%, the lowest of all. That's disgraceful.
  2. It will be hell negotiating with the Russians!
  3. The only bullet point you forgot - -- Total destruction of the Democratic Party Much of the credit goes to the truly infantile behavior of the New Democratic Party, not Trump. So embarrassing and foul-mouthed - that normal people are fleeing in droves. They are like heroin addicts, that know they are killing themselves, but just can't stop. That's going to keep Trump around a long time - they are a gift to the Republicans.
  4. That's always your answer - you sound like Zelensky,,,, More, More, More..
  5. Putin doesn't care about how many of their citizens die. The Europeans care a lot - that's why they won't fight - only bark endlessly.
  6. So much for the off the charts popularity of the Ukrainian President. Martial law, kidnapping at gunpoint, etc Wait until it happens in Europe. We will find out how many of their boys want to die in Ukraine.
  7. Europe's favorite Freedom Fighter and pimp, Zelensky, continues to kidnap males to send them to the Russian Front:
  8. I'm pretty good with most of his policies. Personally, I'd like to see a little more sympathy for those impacted by DOGE. Losing your job because of layoffs is pretty brutal. It's not funny, nor is it a wonderful thing. These folks will need to find new jobs - and I'm certainly sympathetic to that - and the adminstration should feel for these folks. Obviously, when Clinton and Biden threw miners, fossil fuel workers, and pipeline workers out of work - they show zero regards for the jobless. Their answer was go learn how to code. Basically, tough shit.
  9. It really would be wonderful if Europe could get their act together after all the bluster and big talk. Years to let this conflict get out of control with nothing but empty threats against Putin. Vlad is laughing hard back at the Kremlin watching Macron and the rest with their catfight about how they proceed. Italy, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia - all say - no soldiers. What's really pathetic is Europe has the means to stand up to Putin, but not the backbone.
  10. As usual - you have no solution except blame Trump. What else is new? It's very, very obvious that Putin has the upper hand in any negotiation. The idiots in Europe should have negotiated a settlement 2 years ago, when they were dealing from a position of strength. But the little pimp Zelensky got so full of himself - he told the Russians to fuck off. Major, major fuck up for Europe & Ukraine. Now you expect Trump to wave a magic wand and everything will be just dandy.
  11. Maybe you'll realize that one day - Russia is not the threat. But the US leaving NATO might be the threat. Europe can no doubt (without the USA) defeat Russia - but it will cost Europe dearly in lives and materials. You and I know the Russians don't care about lives. But Europe can do it. The price will be very, very high - but Russia is no match for a unified Europe. The USA can not unify Europe with idiots like Macron & Trudeau in charge. Sorry about that. Best path forward - get behind Trump - force a peace agreement with that little corrupt POS Zelensky. Get rid of Zelensky - he's an over the hill "Freedom Fighter" - and now a pimp and gangster enriching all his friends. Get this war over. Fortify Ukraine. Make the Russians pay dearly from now on for any aggression. Putin can not defeat a unified Europe. But for your weak leadership, huffing and puffing threats to Russia - the Russians just laugh at the division behind the USA and Europe. He's laughing his ass off. Put your money where your mouth is - and perhaps NATO will survive. At this rate it won't.
  12. Facts don't work around here. All that matters is get rid of Orange Man and Elon.
  13. I like your posts, cause they are thought provoking. Joe six-pack is fed up with lying Democrats and Rinos alike. Therefore , he elected Trump as his savior. Call him stupid, call him a cult. He trusts him after years of being fucked over by Biden, Hillary, Obama AND RINOS. It's a new age, a new paradigm. You all may hate it - but they "Threw the bums out". Not that much different than the black vote - Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Stacey Abrams, and Barrack Obama - get rich beyond belief, by grifting off the sentiment of black voters. They caught on - and voted the biggest racist of them all into the White House - Donald Trump. Hoping he might actually help them. They watched him being threatened with 300 years in prison and said - yeah, that's me -that's what they do to the black man when they don't like him. Payback is a bitch.
  14. These guys are incredibly weak leaders, as so many of the European leaders. That's why Europe is a mess. All talk, no action. And the population is beginning to get rid of them.
  15. Pretty damn good post. You hit it - bring some prosperity for those left behind. Yup.
  16. It doesn't matter. All politicians are full of shit. Look at Macron and Trudeau - they look like idiots, not leaders. Macron is acting like he's the king of Europe - and going to save the continent by telling Italy, Germany, Poland & Hungary they need to send troops, which they won't. Europe looks as solid as a bowl of jello - even though they have had 2 years to figure out a plan. Somebody needs to step up and lead in Europe. All I hear is talk. The Russians just laugh.
  17. Good to see the haters out in force. At the very least, you have a man with a plan to end a horrible war, which Europe certainly doesn't. Keep the killing going for another 5 years, and Ukraine won't exist, while the Europeans thump their chest endlessly.
  18. I find this confusing. So why did Barrack Obama talk a big game against Russia, then cut and run after Putin invaded Crimea/Donbas in 2014??? Why did he tell Putin - don't do it - then refuse to send weapons to the Ukrainian leadership that begged him constantly for armaments? Why would he cut and run on them like this? WASHINGTON--President Barack Obama stuck to his refusal to provide weapons or other lethal military gear to Ukraine, despite a passionate appeal Thursday for help in fighting pro-Russia rebels by Ukraine's president. The decision reflects the Obama administration's long-standing concern that arming Ukraine would provoke Moscow into a further escalation that could drag Washington into a proxy war. "We are going to continue to seek to mobilize the international community to say to Russia that Ukraine desires to have a good relationship with all its neighbors, both East and West," Mr. Obama said He said the U.S. would stand with Ukraine and is prepared to help the country in negotiations with Russia. "The sovereignty and territory of Ukraine is nonnegotiable," Mr. Obama said. President Obama sounds absolutely Trumpian - refusing to get dragged into a proxy war with a nuclear power.
  19. Your response is very satisfactory @John Hjorth - but you don't get to bring up what you think is "relevant" past history - at the same time as excluding the "relevant" past history you do not like. It's pretty clear that many of the poster wish to pin this calamity on the current adminstration, who is attempting to solve the mess left in his hands.
  20. Mistake? That's a pretty underwhelming. More like a fucking catastrophe. Obama did this in 2009. Then he compounds this strategic error in 2014 - 5 years later. Russia invades Crimea/Donbas - and his response?? Let's arm the Ukrainians with blankets - no weapons - blankets. That's Obama's "red line". Another catastrophic error. What does Europe do? Let's buy all the Russian gas we can, and help the Russian military arm to the teeth. You aren't even in the ballpark @Spekulatius
  21. Oh really? Just like you and your crowd continue to harp on all the past sacrifices of Danish forces to America in the Middle East, NATO conflicts, etc??? Who the hell are you kidding. It's just not convenient for your current narrative, is it now John? Give me a break already.
  22. ^^^ I guess Trump has not learned from the failures of Obama/Clinton/Biden as they profess their love for Mother Russia in 2009, after the brutal invasion of Georgia. Hopefully Trump will not as reckless as Obama during this critical negotiation. Or perhaps we should let the "statesman" Obama set terms for the peace??
  23. Trump won't dare do that - he's in Putin's back pocket! He a Russian asset!
  24. Oh, yeah - my bad.. here is the link I'm referring to - I got Druckenmiller and Tudor-Jones mixed up. Apologies!
  25. The dreaded Russians & Comrade Stalin saved your homeland @Spekulatius Where is your gratitude?
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