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Posts posted by Palantir

  1. ^So Buffett has never talked about See's candies, or Geico, or Iscar at the Q&A? Furthermore, are the questions on succession issues I mentioned also current/future investments?

  2. One question somebody asked, was, which company would you put your net worth into, apart from brk, which I thought was an interesting question. I think a number of detailed questions about his holdings would be interesting, eg IBM.


    Furthermore, there are a range of possible questions about succession planning, apart from simply who will replace him. What will be the structure of the corporate entity given that the new CEO will not have the same relationship with his managers as Web did? What will happen to the  float if a major player like Jain were to leave?



    I'd have to disagree again. Day trading (in my simplistic definition) does not ever look at the underlying security. They just look at the quoted price of the security. In a market panic, they will in theory let the price of something go to zero. Successful day traders need the world to believe that you can make money day trading, in order to create suckers.



    Would you say the same about momentum-driven strategies?

  4. To be fair, Warren and Charlie never answer the interesting and important questions, so all you are left with is "What is the best question somebody has asked you?"  ::)


    They answered all my questions all right. Too bad that others did not feel that way, folks are fine to go to someone else to get their questions answered. Besides, they have been asked the same questions over and over again. They try new and interesting ways to answer them.


    At 83 and 90, they have my full appreciation for doing what they do, educate, freely. It is an extremely benevolent way of giving back. Surely, many of the regulars to Omaha share this view.


    Good for you. However, I think it is disappointing that they continue to ignore pertinent questions about the firm, and then some fanboys are only too eager to cloak them with "benevolency", because you know, we are just lucky to be graced with their presence, so how could anybody have a question?

  5. To be fair, Warren and Charlie never answer the interesting and important questions, so all you are left with is "What is the best question somebody has asked you?"  ::)

  6. Your whole argument about “the long-term” is very misleading. If Mr. Watsa’s defensiveness today is proven right, those numbers will change dramatically in a matter of just a few years… It is exactly like keeping cash for a very long time, and then investing in a truly outstanding opportunity: until that opportunity materializes, your track record seems very poor, than all of a sudden it becomes wonderful! Mr. Watsa at the AM has said the investment business is primarily characterized by how quickly things change. He simply has been waiting for three years now…




    Good post. I think most people have stopped believing in large market declines after the bull market of the past 5 years. When valuations decline, and it inevitably will, the results will show a different story. I like what FFH is doing. They haven't forgotten the first rule of investing: never lose money.


    Conversely, I've seen the opposite. It's as if people expect the market to plummet at any moment, and that a crash just like 08 is always around the corner. Whenever the market drops 1-4%, the same people start chiming in, or when the market rises we hear about how this is unsustainable and going to end in another correction.



  7. I disagree that having a good capital allocator is a necessary characteristic. Good capital allocation is highly desirable in a larger holding firms with diversified, mature businesses, but for smaller, fast growing operations, I do not believe that "good capital allocators" are necessarily going to perform well.


    I would prefer buying a firm with an excellent business model that has substantial potential for expansion.

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