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longlake95 last won the day on July 19 2024

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  1. No political commentary period. Full stop. It's an investment board. Thanks Sanjeev.
  2. Absolutely. He’s telling government to have a steady hand. Let’s hope everyone listens.
  3. Except they are still using Word, google, iPhone and Facebook...
  4. Arriving Thursday. Leaving Monday.
  5. Be well John, get better for Omaha.
  6. John, agreed, totally appropriate. Respectful and classy for BRK to adjust.
  7. Much more positive then last year. More commentary on Greg’s abilities and Warren’s confidence in him - nice to hear. I like to warning to government to use a steady hand (whether that happens is another question). I doesn’t bother me too much that the letter doesn’t have the detail of years ago. What else can he say? What I’d really like going forward is a letter from Greg, along side Warren’s, as the chief operating guy, on his views and more detail on BRK activities. Thanks for the steady hand Warren.
  8. What does she like now? LOL
  9. Thanks Parsad, let's preserve this wonderful INVESTMENT forum.
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