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longlake95 last won the day on July 19

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  1. Bought a 2.5% position in MATR over the last couple of weeks.
  2. I've recently had a few "no nothing" investors asking me about AI stocks. Very reminiscent of 2000. I don't think it's at a fever pitch yet though.
  3. been trimming ATRL for the past few weeks. Still an 11% or so.
  4. Just sold all my FFH.PR.D. Wondering what's up? Why all the FFH prefs are soaring...
  5. Looking for new insurance carrier. If I can keep the $$$ in the "family" so to speak, I would look at moving my home & auto to Northbridge (or another FFH sub). Anyone using a FFH carrier in Ontario? Feel free to recommend a broker too... Thanks in advance LL
  6. Added to my oil basket yesterday. CVE & MEG
  7. I was looking at the prefs and lost interest. I’ll have to have another look.
  8. I’m not surprised. I guess Warren changed his mind on what he thinks of Bill…
  9. this ought to help your strength training.
  10. nothing special about the #3. I think the question was if I have 2 should I have a 3rd. I say yes. Or a 4th, etc. yes, there is a limit. I have a friend with 6 kids. I don't think I could do it. My point is when you're old, having more kids/grandkids around the better it is for you. Big families used to be the norm.
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