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About PLynchJr

  • Birthday 10/13/1973

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  1. The premium on BITW is absurd.
  2. Booking Holdings is at 80B. Without seeing the numbers...30B doesn't sound crazy to me.
  3. The Hershey Company.
  4. Interesting discussion here. One thing I don't understand about Bitcoin is what happens after 2040? From my understanding there is a hard cap of 21 million Bitcoins with the last ones being produced in 2040. Why would people continue to mine / verify transactions after 2040 if there is no financial reward?
  5. How can anyone reasonably think this has any margin of safety? Is it really up for discussion whether this is speculative or not? A big fat zero on this investment is entirely possible. :o
  6. I'm not entirely clear about the rules but they've blocked me from buying a few unlisted stocks (for example Pardee Resources and North State Telecom). They implemented these new restrictions about a year ago. Link below goes into some detail. http://www.nonamestocks.com/2016/04/fidelity-blocks-dark-companies.html
  7. I'm no trader but every little bit counts. Happy Fidelity customer.* * Other than their annoying restrictions against trading unlisted stocks.
  8. if you are anti-GSE what did you hear that excites you besides nothing is imminent? not trying to be difficult, just curious. thank you I am not anti-GSE. I own the common. Basically the usual can't go on like this....need housing reform...bipartisan...etc. You can read that a lot of ways. He gave no specifics. He said nothing directly to give the current shareholders support. No mention of ending the NWS. Everyone is trying to squeeze meaning out of the very vague comments he made. Just trying to be realistic. A bit disappointed with what he said today. I don't feel any better or worse about the position after the interview.
  9. Mnuchin is becoming quite the politician already. He said basically nothing of substance. Both sides can interpret his words to favor their side of the solution.
  10. It's been advertised on CNBC this morning. Mnuchin will be on at 7AM tomorrow.
  11. No real opinion on it but Diamond Hill has a valuation weighted 500 ETF that has slightly out-performed the index since inception (end of 2011). Expense ratio is .10. http://www.diamond-hill.com/strategies/long-only-equities/etf/valuation-weighted-500-etf/overview/
  12. According to this article at NPR the Senate majority leader can bring a nominee to the floor for a full Senate vote even if they do NOT get the approval of the relevant committee. It's rare, but it's happened in the past. http://www.npr.org/2017/01/24/511291979/the-status-of-trump-s-cabinet-where-everyone-is-in-the-process-and-how-it-works
  13. Tim Howard's latest blog post... https://howardonmortgagefinance.com/2017/01/04/economics-trumping-politics/
  14. Take this for what it's worth but back in May of 2014 Ackman was saying the common is worth between $23 and $47. The common at the time was trading right around $4. See attached PDF. Fannie__Freddie_-_Ackman.pdf
  15. Here is what I have. It's from May of 2014. Fannie__Freddie_-_Ackman.pdf
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