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  1. Also, Let’s not forget Ki. It not just another insurance company.
  2. $ESI.TO - Bison Interests (Josh) on their new position in Ensign. I am long as well.
  3. I bet Fairfax would do a tender offer if they thought enough people would sell shares at CAD 1290! I really wish we have Brett as a Fairfax bear for much longer, helps Fairfax buyback shares on the cheap! and me/us too. Morningstar in this case seems like a nightstar! Too late/early to see the brightside.
  4. Post on X, BMO's report on Fairfax:
  5. Took me a bit , but maybe here is how it works. Let’s say I am a bank who enters into a contract with FFH for TRS on 1 share at $100. For doing so $FFH pays me $10 per quarter. At the end of the quarter the stock is now worth $150. so I pay Fairfax $50(the difference), Fairfax pays me $10. At the end of the quarter if Fairfax doesn’t renew the TRS contract, I sell the stock in the market and recover $150. In the end I made a gain of $10. Please correct me If I am wrong.
  6. I fail to see the benefit of TRS for the other party Why would the banks renew the TRS contract every quarter knowing how unprofitable it has been? If Fairfax is booking gains on the Contract, the other party should be booking losses right? Why would someone get into such a contract repeatedly? So are the banks effectively short $FFH?
  7. Hmmm, seems a bit excessive (almost a 30% increase) compared to prior years.
  8. At December 31, 2024 there were 21,668,466 (December 31, 2023 – 23,003,248) common shares effectively outstanding. During 2024 the company purchased 207,974 of its subordinate voting shares for treasury at a cost of $240.4 million and 1,346,953 subordinate voting shares for cancellation at a cost $1,588.4 million, or $1,179.24 per share. Total Change (decrease) in shares YoY: 23,003,248 - 21,668,466 = 1,334,782 Total shares cancelled + purchased for treasury in 2024 = 207,974 + 1,346,953 = 1,554,927 Difference = 220,145 shares Good questions, where did this go??
  9. Some new Acquisitions: Albingia : More new here on the other partners => https://www.eurazeo.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/eurazeo-enters-exclusive-discussions-consortium-led-la-financiere-de
  10. Looks like it, as I did’nt have the option to delete, just the option to edit, which i did.
  11. Sorry, had issues posting my comment and ended up posting the same comment multiple times.
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