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  1. Bought $FEC.TO - Odd Lot Tender Opportunity.
  2. @Whensthepaintdry? Would appreciate a quick elevator pitch on your buy of $FRPH. Any good resources you suggest to go over ? Thanks
  3. Do you know when the special meeting is? I dont see the date in edgar yet. Thanks
  4. Yup!, could be one of the reasons people are selling. But Morningstar has been bearish for a while.
  5. Marketcap is 1T rupees, which at 1 usd=84 rupees, roughly translates to $12B usd Marketcap.
  6. The price target from Morningstar makes 0 sense! Target price of $1180 CAD, which is $860 USD, below book value! What the heck! Looks like this analyst is in the "Management destroys value" camp!
  7. have you looked at $CNH? might interest you.
  8. Added to my already overweight position in $FRFHF/$FFH.TO , what a sale!
  9. I don't think getting a fair deal for FFH vs FIH are mutually exclusive, both can get a fair deal, Ex: A Stock or cash option deal would solve that. IMO keeping $FIH public if market is not valuing it to book does more harm to Fairfax reputation than if not. I understand one can make both for and against arguments, and I appreciate both views.
  10. Good points and thanks for replying. Fairfax India hasn't been issuing shares for a while now so they are not growing 3P equity inorganically. Current/Early shareholders haven't had good returns either based on issue price of $10 (2015) vs $14.3 now. Whatever fees they lose I think will be mitigated by not sharing the portfolio returns with the other 60% FIH holders over the long term. If $FFH announces tomorrow they will take $FIH private at book value, I would be more happy than if they didn't. I roughly own 16X more $FFH than $FIH. Also, I think $FIH would earn better returns than Sleep Country, which makes me think it might be something to do with regulations in India that they haven't acquired FIH yet.
  11. Hey all, My first post in this forum, although I been a lurker for a few years now. Many thanks to the kind and thoughtful posters here who have helped me better understand $FFH.TO. I have been wondering lately why $FFH.TO doesn't make a bid to buy all of $FIH.U? It is such good value, clearly the market isn't valuing it over the long run (trading less then book since 2018). Could it be because of regulations in India? I own both $FFH and $FIH. Thank you and I am grateful to this community for the knowledge over the years! Cheers
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