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  1. https://rogerpielkejr.substack.com/p/the-most-major-hurricanes-ever?r=64hzw&utm_medium=ios&triedRedirect=true Interesting info on hurricanes.
  2. Added to $NOA and $STHRF
  3. Its a canadian Bank, #1 in marketcap on the TSX.
  4. @dealraker Could you please explain what the hub insurance brokerage is and how would one invest in it? is it publicly traded?
  5. I would just go with 4-5 years, if it is closer to 4. if it is closer to 3, go with 1-3. cheers
  6. The comments states Francis decided to part ways due to conflict of interest, not that Fairfax did. I guess Ben is cool with it. As long as the fund is performing well, >10% returns, I personally don’t care.
  7. I moved to US, and emailed Investor Relations who sent me a copy. I am sure they will send you too. Can you email me, I will share the IR’s email to you directly, It is a person’s email so don’t want to share publicly. My email: [email protected].
  8. How Long Have you been a Continuous Shareholder of Fairfax Financial?
  9. Fairfax India thesis at MOI global by Jeffrey Stacey. Anyone has access to MOI, could you please share the Youtube link with me ?([email protected]) https://moiglobal.com/jeffrey-stacey-fairfax-india-202501/
  10. Thanks @TorontoChaosTheatre @Parsad: Thanks, I think Francis would be fantastic for Fairfax, do you know why he isn’t on the Board? Is it cause he also runs a fund/insurance and could have conflict of interest?
  11. Does he write letters? I have seen his Ivey video, wondering if anyone is willing to share his quarterly/annual letters? Looking to learn and get some investment ideas. I met him once the day before Fairfax Annual meeting, he seemed like a wonderful person. Glad the Fairfax family has good/honest/humble people who they call friends.
  12. Added to $T, Added to $FRFHF
  13. JP Morgan estimated $10B in Insured Losses due to California Wild Fires. https://www.investors.com/news/top-california-property-insurer-earns-double-upgrade-from-goldman/
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