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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. [amazonsearch]The Game - Neil Strauss[/amazonsearch] The book has absolutely nothing to do with investing, and the book is 10 years old. It is a book about landing a date and getting woman. The techniques in this book are outdated, and many single women today know all about the book. But the overall concepts I believe are still useful. It helped me go in my late 20’s from 0 dates in 1.5 years, to 3 dates a week each with a different woman. Oh those were the days.
  2. Thanks premfan for the response. So by your replies you wouldn't bother with local organizations? I have to disagree with the formula for dating women. Shotgun approach worked better, (date as many as possible) then filter (based on attractiveness). Plus its more fun. And speaking of dating, see my book recommendation (give me 5 to post)
  3. Reread this book recently. Great book. Fantastic weapon against high pressure sales tactics.
  4. Thanks for the pdf link, good read
  5. Suppose you had a long term goal of buying a business in the next 5 years. Which social networks in your local community would you want to participate in to have an informational advantage for when a business might come up for sale? For example the local chamber of commerce.
  6. Interesting thread. The thing with being a franchisee, is you have to plan to own several. Friends of the family have done extremely well owning many Deny's Franchise.
  7. Great Game.
  8. Parsad, So did you fund your living expenses from your own personal savings?
  9. DTEJD1997 move on to the next fish. Money/Finances is the number 2 reason for divorce, so yes earning power and debt make a big difference.
  10. I didn't take that post very seriously.
  11. Has anybody figured out this riddle yet?
  12. many thanks.
  13. Hi everyone, I was reading an article on Mohnish Pabrai on Guru Focus, dated June 26 2013. Any ideas how did the author find out what Mohnish bought on June 21. Many thanks for any ideas. The article in question http://www.gurufocus.com/news/222451/mohnish-pabrais-increase-in-zinc-producing-horsehead-holdings-
  14. http://www.scribd.com/doc/136743047/2013-Fairfax-Annual-Meeting-Notes
  15. Savjveev, fantastic board, keep up the great work
  16. Thanks twacowfca for the response to my question. Is there any resource I can read to learn how the models are constructed? Rumour has it WB insured Mike Tyson for a two year life insurance policy. Any idea how they would have modeled this, think they simply used actuary mortality tables? Source http://www.buffettfaq.com/
  17. picked up some shares below 345, less than what Brian paid (348) Nice xmas gift.
  18. Greetings everyone. Love the concept of this thread and I would love to learn more about insurance. Would anyone be able to explain or point me to a resource on how insurers model and price super cat insurance?
  19. I feel important today. Got a call from Fibrek asking me to not tender my shares. Even got a 1-800 number. For a small time investor that was empowering.
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