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Everything posted by racemize

  1. Well, we don't really know that the memo is exactly the same, so the conclusion does not necessarily apply. There could be some subtleties that are in favor of ownership for fairfax.
  2. Thanks. It seems like at this point there's two options: 1) They did have ownership but were very close to the line, hence this paper (presumably the case given the previous audits); or 2) They are about to get the case opened again. Sounds like they were quite desperate at the time. I have a bias for FFH since I own a lot of it, but other than blasting her character, I haven't seen any indication of factual mistakes in the article.
  3. don't they talk about everything anyway? Seems like it's either buffett or buffett/munger every time.
  4. I've read this report a few times--is there any written information from Fairfax or its side on this issue?
  5. oh, I see what you mean now. sure.
  6. Well, the data seems to be net of fees and based on actual accounts (where IIRC investors might pick and choose the 'best' of the MF - could be wrong on this point). As a result, it's not indicative of the strategy itself. I don't think you are supposed to select from the stocks, just get enough for diversification, as I recall from the book.
  7. Happy Thanksgiving! Although, I'm not sure if I actually have one this year since I'm flying out from NZ today (Fri) and arriving in the US on the same day (Fri) as well.
  8. I personally don't have any rules and just look at it organically. I bear in mind that concentration is what gives you dramatic outperformance, but try to keep risks in mind. I've had upwards of 40-50% in one position, and currently have 2-3 > 20% positions. That being said, I'll probably have a portfolio similar to Gio's at some point (or at least a large portion of my port similar to Gio's), once my ideas play out (e.g., AIG, BAC, etc.).
  9. here's the dataroma link: http://www.dataroma.com/m/holdings.php?m=brk
  10. please post interesting questions and answers!
  11. Given his reduction in GS this quarter (13-f today), I guess that one's out.
  12. Yeah, Racemize that must be it. Click on the arrow and that section will reappear. Cheers! That's it! I must have accidentally hit it while browsing on my iPad this morning. Thanks!
  13. yeah, that whole section has disappeared for me on two different devices. Not sure what the deal is (have logged off and on).
  14. yeah, the bookmark still works, there's just no link at the top anymore.
  15. I'm missing the "show unread threads since last visit" or whatever. Is it just me?
  16. if you buy into Nate Silver's model, then 28% is far too high: http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/
  17. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/fairfax-announces-acquisition-additional-imvescor-210200348.html brings them to 24% of shares outstanding.
  18. looks to only be 500 million: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/02/orientaltradingco-berkshirehathaway-idUSL3E8M25OK20121102?feedType=RSS&feedName=bankruptcyNews&rpc=43
  19. it seems like the google/android model is hardest on developers, particularly with all the different resolutions they have to deal with. For Apple, the developers know what they support--ipad, ipad mini (which is just legacy ipad I believe) and iphone. For the others, there's a lot of potential resolutions, so it's very hard to design a single UI/experience that will be excellent across all devices.
  20. Ran across this today while doing normal work. LTE_Standard_Essential_Patents_Now_and_in_the_Future_AOP-1.pdf
  21. FFH is the TO listing and FRFHF is the pink sheets. With fidelity, I trade FRFHF, which actually results in them going and buying the FFH on the toronto exchange for me.
  22. The Nexus 7 or was it a different Android tablet? I need to ask my friend--I thought he said it was a Nexus, but I didn't catch the number. I think the price point was more around $100-150, so presumably this $300 would be much better.
  23. I used a smaller nexus tablet last weekend, and I have to say, it was a pretty terrible user experience--slow, buggy, not user intuitive, etc. I'm assuming most android tablets are better and/or maybe it was an older/cheap version.
  24. I'd trade that for an unopened case of 1988 Donruss baseball cards. Among all things that resulted from the 1980s bubble in sports cards, especially rookie cards and unopened cases/boxes, I can't think of a worse investment than anything related to 1988 Donruss. I am the proud owner of an unopened case (or 2) that has been sitting in my father's garage for almost 25 years. yeah, same thing happened to comic books in the 80's/early 90's.
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