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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2024 in Posts

  1. Thank you, @Spekulatius, This is to me personally just such an awesome post of yours, - as already mentioned, in my personal opinion. It basically isen't about names & tickers, but more about principles, basic criterias and considerations from which to specifically allocate capital to names, companies & groups, based on their respective modus operandis. And we should discuss exactly that in this topic in stead of, picking names or tickers with no reason or overall rationale mentioned to supporting it. For Investor AB [, Sweden] : English : Swedish : The Wallenberg family isen't wealthy as such in private, because pretty much all fortunes built over time has gradually been given to foundations, while the mantra for the family is - it's obsessed with it : "To move from the old to what is about to come is the only tradition worth keeping."
    1 point
  2. If I were you, I'd upvote this post.
    1 point
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