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Yep - all for laws (except for law positivism or whatever you'd call what happend in the third Reich ... they had lots of laws, too).


Issue is - is worth 42bn or whatever crazy number that's going to border patrol over the next few years? I mean I understand government is inefficient but how expensive can a high wall be? Hell you got all these minuteman vigilantes down there anyway watching the border and protecting the US from being overrun by the hordes of South Americans you fear.  I say give them all a badge ... much cheaper than 42bn.


Oh but it's your tax money so you're absolutely free to spend it how you want!


Cheers - C.


(in case it's not clear: I'm taking the mickey .. it's slightly amusing that people get so riled up about these topics, illegal immigrants and their violation of the law are probably the smallest real issue the US faces now).


You do realise that the US already does sell its citizenship? It's 500k - 1m and called an investors' visa.


OK, if we give away citizenship to 11MM illegal immigrants, then who would pay $500k for an investor's visa?  Simply come across the Southern border and stay here and then get your citizenship virtually for free?


What kind of precedent is this setting?


I am all for immigration, LEGAL immigration. If we want to allow 1, 10, 100, 1,000 or 1,000,000 Mexican nationals (or any other group) than that is fine, have the discussion and do it in orderly fashion.  Screen who is coming in and set some rules.  If law abiding Mexicans, Colombians, Canadians, Indians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Australians, English etc. wish to come here that is fine.  Follow the rules and come legally. 


How are people going to feel that follow the rules?  They are suckers, they have a distinct disadvantage playing by the rules.


As to people who think this is a terrible idea, maybe we should just have totally open borders?  Anybody who can get here is granted citizenship?


Why even have border checkpoints? 


Why should some people have to take a civics test to become a citizen and others don't?


Why have laws on the books and not follow them? 


Nothing possibly could go wrong!


Seems like a lot of money, but probably alot less than is being spent on bases in Korea and Japan, when Taiwan purportedly has plenty of firepower to defeat anyone in the region in a conventional war.  What is the Kia or Hyundai SUVs to M1 abrams exchange rate? 

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