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value investing seminars - Ivey, Columbia or any other offerings?

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I am looking for a hands-on-training type of value investing seminar. I am an experienced financial preofessional, although, not specializing in value investing. I just discovered the 5-day seminar offered by Ivey business school, but it looks like the registration is already closed for the July 2013 session. I am aware that Columbia is offering a 2-day seminar, but am concerned that it might not be very hands-on and in-depth due to the short program.  I'd greatly appreciate it if anyone has taken any of the Ivey or Columbia seminar and has any insight to offer. Are there any other similar type of seminars offered by reputable business schools?



um Value investing is going to take more than a 5 day seminar. IMO


Also i think some of the videos of Columbia's lectures are online for free.


But for anything to be good you should start with reading the Standard books (look at the books section of the forum) than try to applying it by reading 10ks and trying to value businesses.


but others who are more experienced on the forum can give you a better approach.


It took me 6 month to get a good start and 6 more to learn to apply some of the key concepts. Now I've still have not found a sure thing yet. some of my mistakes I've made the year before in terms of investing are coming to hunt me.


don't rush it and take your time with this. Its a very long process and financial mistakes are hard to recover from.


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