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:D won't go as far as Paul in proclaiming my love but thanks a lot Jacob. This is awesome.


hahaha. what can I say? Klarman is my boy.  ;)


You can all thank  the person who posted w/o my permission Klarman’s S/Ls under my name on a big site, which alerted Baupost’s CCO to my site. I will no longer be able to publish anything from Baupost Group in the future.



Sorry to hear that Jacob.


Was there anything in those letters that are so top secret?


I can t imagine there is anything there that we have not heard here before.


He should be flattered to have them posted. It is not like he had the recipe for Coca Cola.


I will be a gentleman and not name the site, but if you want to, you can figure it out pretty quickly. This is the second time they did this....


No they are nice, just Baupost in general is super secretive. It was all macro no stock analysis. You can still see some stuff they never asked me to remove-http://www.valuewalk.com/value-investing-reports/walk-exclusive-seth-klarman-q211-shareholder-letter/, http://www.valuewalk.com/value-investing-reports/notes-seth-klarmans-2009-shareholder-meeting/. I suggest you copy these ASAP.


Jacob, I sent you a message. I know sometimes it can be kinda tricky to tell when you get one, so just giving you a head's up.


Hi Jacob,

Is it possible to post 'Part 2' in this forum? Its a private forum so it wont matter much. Thanks!!


I will be a gentleman and not name the site, but if you want to, you can figure it out pretty quickly. This is the second time they did this....


No they are nice, just Baupost in general is super secretive. It was all macro no stock analysis. You can still see some stuff they never asked me to remove-http://www.valuewalk.com/value-investing-reports/walk-exclusive-seth-klarman-q211-shareholder-letter/, http://www.valuewalk.com/value-investing-reports/notes-seth-klarmans-2009-shareholder-meeting/. I suggest you copy these ASAP.


Hi Jacob,

Is it possible to post 'Part 2' in this forum? Its a private forum so it wont matter much. Thanks!!


Quote from: jacobwolinsky on November 01, 2011, 03:33:03 PM

I will be a gentleman and not name the site, but if you want to, you can figure it out pretty quickly. This is the second time they did this....


No they are nice, just Baupost in general is super secretive. It was all macro no stock analysis. You can still see some stuff they never asked me to remove-http://www.valuewalk.com/value-investing-reports/walk-exclusive-seth-klarman-q211-shareholder-letter/, http://www.valuewalk.com/value-investing-reports/notes-seth-klarmans-2009-shareholder-meeting/. I suggest you copy these ASAP.


I cant Baupost was very nice but very clear that they do not want anything further posted. I do not want to get on their bad side. I would love to post if I could trust me. If anyone else has it they can feel free to due it at their own risk.


This is just me, but if Baupost is that secretive about their info and asked you to stop, then it wouldn't be a good idea to post it here either. 

Parsad does a great job at keeping this forum running smoothly and we can't jeopardize that. 


Totatally agree on this.

This is just me, but if Baupost is that secretive about their info and asked you to stop, then it wouldn't be a good idea to post it here either. 

Parsad does a great job at keeping this forum running smoothly and we can't jeopardize that.

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