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For those interested in understanding China from a longer perspective, I recommend Charlie Rose's interviews with a few of China's business leaders on 28 Sep 2011.    http://www.charlierose.com/schedule/ As usual, Charlie does an excellent job despite the challenge of language.


I was surprised and impressed by the relative openness and candour of the interviewees; it's a sign of the growing confidence of China that establishment individuals are prepared to openly discuss their weaknesses and challenges. Their understanding of global issues is also quite deep and thoughtful - a glaring difference from the often mindless ideological chatter we get from the Washington crowd.


If these individuals are representative of people in leadership roles in China today, they have clearly made a huge leap forward from the China of the 1990s. While they have their share of socioeconomic challenges, it seems that they will seek out pragmatic solutions that are not shackled by the sort of ideological baggage we see in the West.


The other thing that struck me was the contrast between China and the US. On the one hand, you have an economic power that is gaining in ascendence, yet their leaders speak in measured, cautious and thoughtful tones; on the other hand, you have an economy that has serious long term challenges, yet their leaders deal in shrill and shallow soundbites, preferring to focus mainly on the next opinion poll or election.


They are very good interviews. Hope they are not just saying what we want to hear.

Politicians in China say one thing and do another. Let hope they know how to make the changes, want it and have the support to do it.


Dose anyone know how can a major change be made in China?

(I mean in terms of process ?  for example in North America we will need a mass populist movement to bring real change the social safety nets, segregation , freedom of speech, and etc. )

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