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« Reply #3 on: Today at 04:13:43 PM » Quote Modify Remove 




i met daughter Susie Buffett online in 1997.

it was a yellow brker web site.

she was very friendly and helped people with what to do in Omaha.

I thought she was very nice so i arranged a party for her in 1998.

It was a surprise party and Warren came to the party.

it was quite an event with news people from all over came.

i don't know how they found out about the party.

i setup partys in 1999 and 2000.

i met Buffett again at those parties.

i had my  picture taken with Buffett a number of times over the years.


i also met Andy in 1998  and we became friends.

some of the pictures with Warren were taken at Andy's parties.

i have quite a few e-mails from Susie, none from Warren.

i was in 2 movies about Buffetts life.

So thats the story.


          my  website  marlinsweb.com


Thanks for the reply! That is amazing! What movies were you in?


I would love to meet him someday, although that is almost impossible, I'd bet these days. I even wrote him a letter hoping for an autograph a few months back and got a form letter in return. I tried to be somewhat creative. I sent in a pen and even a self addressed return envelop, so that other shareholders would bear none of the expense. I understand he's super busy, but it was a downer.


Even though I'm an adult (for the most part) I feel like a kid admiring my favorite baseball player with him.  ;D


Do you have any tips on how I could meet him or at least snag an autograph?


the movies were made by an american company, the next year  by an Austrailan company.


30,000 to 40,000 go to the annal meeting now so it will extremely hard to corner him  now.


you have to find him at some event.


like Dairy Queen  or Nebraska Furniture Mart or corporate jet display.




Marlin, you were one of the original Yellow Bricker's correct?  Along with John Gartmann, John Zemanovich, Farmer Lyle and Mohnish?  Wasn't Sherrie there too?  I believe Shai has one of the hats now, as he took over organizing the annual gathering from Sherrie.  Cheers!


can anyone go the yellowbrker meetings?


yes i was one of the originals.

i started the parties in 1998 when i had setup a party for Susie Buffett.


antone can go to the yellow brk parties.




marlin, are you gonna be there this year too?


i am 78 just 2 years younger than Warren.

He is probably in better shape than i am.

i don't know if i will get there again or not.

maybe when i am 90 and he is 92 i can go see him.




i am 78 just 2 years younger than Warren.

He is probably in better shape than i am.

i don't know if i will get there again or not.

maybe when i am 90 and he is 92 i can go see him.




dude, come out!  :)

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