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"Inside Job," A Great Economist Speaks!

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Guest ValueCarl

I am glad that I have had the good fortune to meet this special lady some years ago. Without a doubt, she is not someone who will tell the crowd, what they want to hear!


But what she does tell them, will be far more truth than fiction. imo



I was getting very discouraged about continuing to write about the causes of the crisis, since no corrective actions are being taken. A lot of work remains to educate the public about the issues and to come up with solutions. The old political ways are too corrupt to work anymore. It seems like we keep covering the same territory without progress, but I'm inspired by the closing line of Inside Job: “Some things are worth fighting for.”



Guest ValueCarl

Ah, but Myth, not unlike the good Dr. Trimbath, you have "lived" through the "movie" watching it unfold right before your very eyes!  8) The question for all of us, is what are we going to do about it in order to make a positive difference! 


Im a pessimist, or as I would say a realist. My goal is to make a positive return. The positive difference can only be made by a Dictator or the Electorate. One man one vote. I hold my nose and cast my vote for the least worst 1 day every 2 years.


Every other day of those years I plan to focus on generating a positive return  :)

Guest ValueCarl

I can't say I disagree with you! Does that make me a capitalist?  ;D


What I love about your comment is the thought about seeking a difference by looking for a POSITIVE "DICTATOR." I changed your words around just a tad, but I believe you were saying the same thing! 


<The positive difference can only be made by a Dictator or the Electorate>


Since it is not a stretch to say that "capitalism" is a quasi, almost purely, at least within reason dictatorship by its underlying owners, assuming those owners make good business decisions based upon mostly ethical standards of conduct which will act as a foundation for the businesses "staying power" or "longevity," one could see how and why government officials in leading roles might need to adopt a "similar model" for ultimate success!


It may sound strange to more casual onlookers, but what I may have described above, is a "REPUBLIC," one which has lost its way in The United States of America, because of "corruption" and thinking mentalities which have strayed away from an "ownership mentality," one created for the good of the whole irrespective of the masses whims otherwise(democracy be damned!), in favor of a "ME FIRST," screw all the rest mentality, at every turn of the corner for decades upon decades!  >:(     

Guest ValueCarl

We can even delve further into Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand" in order to debunk two great MYTHS:


1) Governments Work in the Best Interests of their "People"


2) Outsourcing a Government's Money Supply at Interest is Best Practice


Smith astutely pointed out that, while citizens and businesses acted to safeguard their own "self-interests," it resulted in the advancement of quality of lives for the "whole society" in the end. Without a doubt, we can see this vividly through The American Experience at least in earlier years leading up until today.


The key to understanding this principle;  however, is to know that no man or business is an ISLAND unto themselves. In order for that person or business to thrive, he or it, must consistently satisfy and/or appreciate the relationships all around them lest "boycotts" will ensue!


If your government is predicated upon an "unfettered printing press" from which its fiat currency machinations are generated "without risk" by a private 3rd party manager who charges for their services @ interest; win, lose or draw, from which time has no boundaries over their indiscretions, one can easily see how the lack of any "restraints" will act as an albatross around the necks of its people into perpetuity, ultimately destroying the nation to its core.


In this current, elaborate scheme, the Peoples best interests, individually and collectively, have been transferred to a 3rd party whose interests are diametrically opposed to the Peoples' without RECOURSE, or their ability to boycott such OPPRESSION making a MOCKERY out of Adam Smith's well thought out theory. For the ignorant political appointees who have been hired to do the work of the People, this magical elixir has remained alluring as well as intoxicating while leading them and us further into their Task Master's abyss. If the "self-interests" of individuals and their society are transferred to "men behind curtains," hiding in their Secret Temples, it is IMPOSSIBLE for advancements to be made. Given enough time, that SYSTEM will CRUMBLE from rot and decay.  >:(    








  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

I finally watched this movie over the weekend and though it was very good. The amount of corruption in the large Wall Street firms seems beyond what I realized - especially Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Makes me want to never invest in either of those companies.


Everyone should watch this.

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