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Gold and Iron: Bismarck, Bleichroder and the Building of the German Empire - Fritz Stern

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While re-reading Chris Mayer’ 100x book, came across his recommending of two books by Barton Biggs, which I missed in my first read some years ago. 

1 - hedgehogging

2 - wealth, war and wisdom. 


Bought both books but started with the wrong one. Hedgehogging is a bore to read. But there is a hidden gem in it :


Chapter XI of “Hedgehogging” covers wealth transfer from one generation to another. And in it there are two case studies, the Yale Endowment and that of the Iron Chancellor ! 

These are the excerpt from Barton Biggs’ book. Where he references the book that is the genesis of this thread. 

Long story short, Bismarck was a fan of timberland to preserve wealth. 






If you need more you can buy the actual book on the topic. I was able to find an obscure copy. But haven’t read the actual book. 



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