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Wow first post 😅

Hey guys I've been sitting on around 50-60% cash for a while now. I can't seem to find any ideas that hit me across the head like a 2 by 4.

Ive been looking into funds to manage a small chunk of my money. If I can't find any ideas maybe they can. 

Donville Kent asset management comes to mind as since I am Canadian. They are able to invest right through my TFSA or RRSP. Which is a plus compared to some American funds. They have averaged 18% since inception. 

I'm getting a little confused about the fee structure & was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this. 2% management fee (paid monthly) & a 20% high water mark fee. (20% of anything over 20%)

Trying to compare it to the BPL where he didn't charge a management fee. Seems like all the 'fair' funds follow that structure. 

The high water mark confuses me & thought I'd ask if this was 'fair' 




No thoughts on that particular fund, but worth looking at some of the Mawer funds. Risk-adjusted returns fairly strong (Global Small Cap fund risk/return analysis from Morningstar below). Can invest as a Canadian, and can invest direct with them for lower MERs (fund I mentioned is 1.76% MER). Does not resemble the index very much.






If you've been in cash for a long time, why are you wanting to buy now instead of then?


You could also look at Turtle Creek. But DKAM and TC (and even Mawer) are expensive. Mark Leonard has a better record and works for free.

If you are just parking cash, why not look at my list of Canada’s great companies? Several great capital allocators on that list.


I sold two very large positions that & didn't have the conviction to buy anything else. Maybe should have waited for an opportunity to present itself before selling. 

Very true about dkam csu investment. & yes I think giving my money to Mark would at least give me 10-15% irr & 'safer' than S&P index. 

1 hour ago, KCLarkin said:

You could also look at Turtle Creek. But DKAM and TC (and even Mawer) are expensive. Mark Leonard has a better record and works for free.

If you are just parking cash, why not look at my list of Canada’s great companies? Several great capital allocators on that list.

I tried looking at your page. Is this a thread that you started? 

Thank you everyone. 


When I don't have conviction on something, I just throw it into an index fund. Worked well so far. 

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