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Episode #7 released! In this episode we discuss a pipeline company that's trading at a discount to liquidation value, bonds, preferreds, equity, and both the Canadian and American markets. Tim has a really interesting and diverse background:


12 years of experience as a trader on a Proprietary Credit trading desk in New York and Toronto, and at hedge funds in Toronto. In that time, Tim traded and invested in all asset categories - bonds, derivatives and equities - globally. Wanting more freedom, Tim decided to focus on managing his own portfolio and investments. He enjoys reading, learning and thinking deeply about markets and investments.


Investing Style


His investing style focuses on value; buying good companies well below fair value or finding mispriced securities with a lot more upside than downside. This approach is a disciplined one with a long-term focus. He's opportunistic and focuses on areas of the market where recent volatility or apathy may create opportunity.



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