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Everything posted by colinwalt

  1. https://howardonmortgagefinance.com/2021/06/28/an-unexpected-ruling/
  2. So theoretically, they can go out, borrow a bunch of money, do a massive buy-back, share price spikes and the counterparty has to pay them a small fortune ....
  3. You mean of the Q4 call? https://seekingalpha.com/article/4251829-dundee-corp-ddejf-ceo-jonathan-goodman-q4-2018-results-earnings-call-transcript
  4. Hmmm.... if I were a cynic I'd be wondering about this... I mean, isn't there some big claim in progress against the government...? but no, no way... a US President as honorable as "The Donald" would never try to influence the outcome, would he?
  5. Thanks for noticing that and letting us know
  6. "now, all one has to hope for is that trump doesnt do something that gets him impeached before then." How about "now, all one has to hope for is that trump doesnt do hasn't already done something that gets him impeached before then." 8)
  7. Agree to disagree on this one? Sorry to disappoint, not going down this OT rabbit hole :-)
  8. Agree to disagree on this one? Agreed :-)
  9. Except, I think that "Most sober, clear eyes businessmen" is stretching things just a bit where Trump is concerned... no?
  10. Not sure if this was linked previously, apologies if it's a duplicate... Robinson 11-Feb-16 Response to motion to dismiss, originally filed under seal, now unsealed... really (IMO - not a lawyer) covers everything... http://gselinks.com/Court_Filings/Robinson/15-00109-0030.pdf
  11. Sucks. Would have been a good Q. Is there a way to ask in a follow-up email?
  12. Here's a link to a pdf of the latest unsealed docs: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/2839971/Fannie-Mae-and-Freddie-Mac-Unsealed.pdf
  13. I guess we'll have to wait and see - from the earnings release: "Remaining weighted average life of 6.3 years"
  14. I'm not going to predict 15% or not, but I think it's too early to say he's wrong about deflation, there has been and continues to be so much QE that I think the world is swimming in overcapacity - that's most likely going lead to deflation - no matter how hard the central banks try, they're pushing on a string... I believe the policy situation worldwide (since the 2000 bubble) is akin to trying to stop wildfires, eventually you fail and you end up with the "mother" of all wildfires...
  15. 4623 lead to an action taken by the regulator. The nws was a conservateur's action. Possibly, very different things. What is being challenged is the action of the latter. I may be wrong on this. There's also this: “It’s hard for me to envision that we would be able to make enough every single quarter to cover the dividend payment,” said Ms. McFarland. I supppose the response to this is that there's the PIK provision...
  16. +1 I'm incredibly grateful that cherzeca accepted my nudging to join COB&F so we could all benefit from his insight. Merkhet has been an incredibly valuable member of this thread for as long as I can remember. +1
  17. author states: "There are some pitfalls, though. For one, current investors in Fannie and Freddie, many of whom have mounted vigorous legal challenges to the government sweeps, would probably be out of luck" obviously she doesnt understand that if NWS invalidated, govt will have to buy shareholders out...which is why this plan will go nowhere. govt only wanted to set stage for reform by paying zip to public shareholders through NWS. when govt goes to plan B, i dont think it will want to pay the price...especially to greedy hedge funds (like you and me...ha!) Yep thats what I was thinking. Timothy Howard doesn't think much of it.... http://howardonmortgagefinance.com/2016/03/25/a-risk-sharing-postscript/ "We just now are crawling out from under the ruins of our last experiment with securitized risk sharing—the collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) that were supposed to be the answer for how to finance the riskier tranches of private-label securities (PLS)—and already we see a proposal to give a variation on that theme another try."
  18. And assuming this doesn't get resolved before the next Admin takes over - why would the next Admin want to fight to the death in the hope that they win and then end up having to deal with this sh*t?
  19. On the other hand he has a large cash position after selling AIG - maybe it won't be enough, but it seems to me that there's a large margin of safety there.
  20. Brings to mind all those people who thought Bill Miller walked on water... until... it all blew up... (BTW: I asked the "is he crazy for the > 16% position" + said I didn't think so, but I often don't have a clue about this stuff)
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