Hi all, the more I become aware of my own limitations, the more I become drawn towards the idea of a setting up a lazy portfolio: i.e. a portfolio that is almost guaranteed to beat the market with 1-3%, so generating long term (10+ years) returns of 8-12%, instead of trying to swing for the fences (15%+ returns) the whole time with only very mediocre results.
The approach I was thinking of:
- 50% in index funds/ETF, to just track the market - e.g. Vanguard VTI. Does anyone know good low cost ETFs that capitalise dividends, and thus do not pay dividends, as dividend leakage is a significant cost for a European (Belgian) investor?
- 50% in good owner/operator companies: BRK, MKL, LMCA, FRMO, CKI, ... Any other names along these lines would be very welcome for further research.