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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. https://hbr.org/2020/03/lessons-from-italys-response-to-coronavirus Also: Also, Flexport has been doing great work. Their expertise is global supply chains, and their foundation has been bringing PPE and masks to frontline workers: https://twitter.com/typesfast/status/1242497613426909184?s=20 https://flexport.org/
  2. I think the key words here are "my first time ever". First time ever wearing contact lenses, or I'm guessing high heels or makeup (never worn any, but I can imagine), or even wearing glasses... You get used to it, you get better at it, you find tricks, your brain stops noticing it and puts it in the auto-pilot category.
  3. The only reason why the recommendation are not changed already because none or too be had anyways and those that can be had need to go to the hospitals first. They should still be transparent with the population about it, because it'll take longer for them to turn around when they become available if the education about them isn't already made. It'll take a while for people to get used to the and to put them on and take them off and wear them effectively, gotta train people, just like we did over the past month with hand-washing and social distancing and touching our faces and surface contact, etc.
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/25/opinion/coronavirus-face-mask.html
  5. Can't change the past, but hopefully we learn, and change the future.
  6. Source: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3050689/how-make-your-own-mask-hong-kong-scientists
  7. https://medium.com/@thejanellemj/please-join-me-in-wearing-a-mask-71e0e3f4fe4a
  8. Maybe not the best time to read this... Very dark book
  9. I haven't read it yet, but this book by epidemiologist Michael T. Osterholm seem extremely timely (published in 2017): https://www.amazon.ca/Deadliest-Enemy-Against-Killer-Germs/dp/B072F7142P/
  10. I haven't read it yet, but this book by epidemiologist Michael T. Osterholm seem extremely timely (published in 2017): https://www.amazon.ca/Deadliest-Enemy-Against-Killer-Germs/dp/B072F7142P/
  11. 'With the Old Breed' by E.B. Sledge
  12. No. Because there's a big difference between a runaway exponential process and a stable, predictable one that you can build your healthcare system around. And when you have one on top of the other, then you get in real trouble. In other words, this is about as smart as someone saying "well, it snowed a lot this winter, how about that global warming?" But the next level of thinking is: Yes, we should do a lot more to also reduce deaths from other sources, like cars and the diseases of aging and other diseases, and I hope we do. But these stats are an argument to do more, not less.
  13. Why masks are effective: https://medium.com/@Cancerwarrior/covid-19-why-we-should-all-wear-masks-there-is-new-scientific-rationale-280e08ceee71
  14. Scott Gottlieb plan to reopen: https://www.aei.org/research-products/report/national-coronavirus-response-a-road-map-to-reopening/
  15. “ Researchers found that washing hands more than 10 times daily was 55 percent effective in stopping virus transmission while wearing a mask was more effective at 68 percent.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/27/health/us-coronavirus-face-masks.html
  16. https://overcast.fm/+GfeK4jvqY Interview (podcast) with dr Scott Gottlieb.
  17. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/27/coronavirus-trump-told-pence-not-to-call-washington-michigan-governors.html So that's how Zalensky felt... How is this not criminal? Playing games with the lives of US citizens, exchanging praise and lack of criticism for medical help? Blackmail and bribery...
  18. Thread of a couple’s experience with the disease. Young people.
  19. Thread on mask usage, including in the Czech republic: Could help explain why Japan did so well..? I understand that masks need to go to those on the frontlines first as long as there's limited supply, but as soon as supply ramps up, probably a good idea for everybody to have masks for a while. Cheap way to save lots of lives, including from the flu and other diseases, and ben R0 <1. (turquoise lines wear masks in public (not only measures, but probably helps on top of good testing, tracing, lockdowns, etc))
  20. https://bfi.uchicago.edu/working-paper/2020-26/
  21. The letter is a letter. Let's see the action. So far, it hasn't been data and science based with him, contradicting the experts even within the same press conference with them, making arbitrary deadlines, and refusing to get out of the way and let the grownups run things because he can't have his rallies so he's jonesing for narcissistic supply which he can get with daily press conferences where he basically has nothing that makes sense to say.
  22. (can anyone imagine Trump writing these words? He likely told a staff writer to tell governors he's going to tell them when to re-open, and the writer added all the empathy and justifications) Meanwhile, getting ready for a shift: https://i.imgur.com/YSitKiz.gifv
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