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Everything posted by WhiteFalcon

  1. Feel free because I copied it from Howard Marks! This value vs. growth debate is a bit of a pet peeve. I think it is more important for ideologues and consultants/allocators in asset management than investors. Die hard value investors will take ALL kinds of risks but not pay up for a quality business..I don't get it! Warren Buffett, when he managed the BPL partnership had generals, workouts and arbitrage and these were three different 'factors' that helped him with returns year in and year out. I think this is the right approach vs. only value or only growth.
  2. Hey Dinar, I am attaching a report on CopperLeaf. Not much has changed since the report, growth has disappointed at the margin and there has been a CEO change for the positive. Balkar CopperLeafReport_WhiteFalconCap.pdf
  3. Hi All - Attaching our FY2022 Letter. For folks looking for ideas - highlighted Diversey Holdings (DSEY). Please let me know if there are any questions or feedback. Cheers, Balkar WhiteFalcon_FY2022PartnerLetter.pdf
  4. Hi All - I am in Vancouver for the next couple of weeks. If someone wants to grab a coffee or drinks, please feel free to get in touch. If there is wider interest we can organize drinks at a time/day that works. Also - the 2Q letter has been posted on the website here: https://www.whitefalconcap.com/letters Cheers! Balkar
  5. Attaching our Q1 2022 Partner's letter. Please feel free to subscribe on the website to get future letters and blog posts. White Falcon_Q12022 Partner Letter.pdf
  6. Here is an idea (EPAM US): https://valuepunks.substack.com/p/deep-dive-epam-systems-epam-us?s=r
  7. Yes, correct - Canada allows it but US does not unless accredited inventor. Again - if there is any feedback or if anyone just want to talk stocks, please feel free to get in touch.
  8. Thanks tytthus. Glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I am the author. My next deep dive will be in April.
  9. Sanjeev - Thank you for the endorsement! I really appreciate it. To everyone else - The Min is $50,000. We can manage TFSA, RRSP, cash or corporate accounts. We have some blog posts and my first letter to partners on the website. The investment philosophy is to invest in compounders, value as well as growth names. We do not short but can hedge and/or raise cash. I am attaching a presentation that should answer more questions. I'd love to get to know people here so please feel free to get in touch (email is [email protected]). Also, please subscribe on the website to be on our mailing list. Balkar WhiteFalconPresentation.pdf
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