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Posts posted by prunes

  1. My guess is they're going to have a hard time getting businesses to upgrade to Windows 8 from Windows 7.


    My Fortune 100 hasn't upgraded from XP and Office 2003...

  2. I was talking recently to someone who knew Apple well, and I asked him if the people now running the company would be able to keep creating new things the way Apple had under Steve Jobs. His answer was simply "no." I already feared that would be the answer. I asked more to see how he'd qualify it. But he didn't qualify it at all. No, there will be no more great new stuff beyond whatever's currently in the pipeline. Apple's revenues may continue to rise for a long time, but as Microsoft shows, revenue is a lagging indicator in the technology business.
    -- Paul Graham
  3. Windows 8: It's a rather an elaborate kind of torture.





    The Metro interface without touch is painful and annoying. Like you, I'd love to see the clan in Redmond figure out that if a touch screen is detected at time of install, the Metro interface is default, whereas if no touch interface is present, it would give you the choice of interface/desktop to use. ... But Microsoft sources tell me that it's non-negotiable. They also shed light on the strange, twisty logic that is impelling Microsoft to its fate. The strategic thinking goes like this: Microsoft needs brute force to coerce a touch-based "ecosystem" into existence, and it's using Windows as the battering ram. Microsoft fears that if it loses "touch" to the iPad and iPhone and Android, then it loses its place in the consumer space altogether. These tablets are increasingly capable of content creation, it notes. And because of this, Microsoft is going to force-feed Windows 8 to millions of PC users on non-touch devices, for whom Metro is nothing but a hindrance, in the hope that the market provides content and applications "designed for Metro".
  4. Any of you have an Intrade account? If so theres a riskfree arb opportunity right now.



    USA and/or Israel to execute an overt Air Strike against Iran before midnight ET 30 Jun 2012 - probability 45.0%


    USA and/or Israel to execute an overt Air Strike against Iran before midnight ET 31 Dec 2012 - probability 31.6%

  5. Love that quote.


    Reminds me of:


    There is a tide in the affairs of men.

    Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

    Omitted, all the voyage of their life

    Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

    On such a full sea are we now afloat,

    And we must take the current when it serves,

    Or lose our ventures.



  6. Was it Munger who said something to the effect that a man only gets two or three significant opportunities in his lifetime, and that the key to success is recognizing and then seizing these opportunities? Does anyone have the actual quote? I am drawing blanks with Google here.

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