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  1. My bad!! Thank you for shrinking it
  2. Interesting investment that someone is going to make a killing on!!! Parking meter revenues are nearly back to pre-pandemic levels. With 61 years to go on the 75-year lease, Chicago Parking Meters LLC has now recouped its entire $1.16 billion investment, plus $502.5 million more. Parking meter deal gets even worse for Chicago taxpayers, audit shows - Chicago Sun-Times (suntimes.com)
  3. Thank you for the recommendation Pupil
  4. By the way, are there any other ways to get around the wash-sale rule? I have a stock that has dropped dramatically since I purchased it but I believe the company has good long term potential. I want to take advantage of the loss while still holding on to the shares at these low prices and in fact I am thinking of buying more. If anyone knows of a way please let me know.
  5. Shoot I didn't even pay attention to the date of the article. I was hoping this article was still correct. Thank you for clarifying
  6. Possible work around to the wash-sale rule- sell a stock in a taxable account at a loss for tax-loss harvesting and then immediately buy it back in an IRA without incurring the wash-sale rule. Does anyone know if this is legit? https://money.cnn.com/2000/12/14/pensions/q_retire_slott/ How do I know this? The IRS informal position from an IRS e-mail response to this very question says so, and based on their explanation I now agree that it can be done and the wash-sale rule does not apply when the stock is bought back in the IRA. � The IRS considers the sale of the stock in your taxable account and the repurchase of it in your IRA "two unrelated transactions." When you buy the stock back in your taxable account you create "basis," which at some point when you later sell that stock, will allow to reduce the gain or claim a loss. When you buy the stock back in your IRA, you do not create basis, because all distributions (other than distributions of nondeductible IRA contributions) from that IRA will be fully taxable regardless of how much the stock was purchased for within the IRA.
  7. Would love to hear your thesis on CRSP?
  8. I watched the ISS fly by the night of the launch. You could actually see the capsule trailing the station as it was preparing to dock. Pretty cool to see. I have watched a number of launches off the coast and watched the rockets coming down to land. It is really awesome to see.
  9. Thank you all for the comments. My employer does contribute a certain amount to what I put in so I will keep the account and transfer money over as it deposited in from my paycheck and what my employer matches. I am planning to contact Fidelity as I already have an account with them. So just to confirm, I can't move 401K over to self managed account?
  10. I have looked at the investment options in my employer's HSA & 401 K plans. The investments offered are limited to a handful of mutual funds that have high fees/high turn over. Do I have the option of moving from the employer selected administrator to another one where I can invest my own funds in individual stocks, bonds, etc like I do in an IRA? I am not getting any answers from my employer's HR or administrator's CSR department. Thanks
  11. Yes mine is duplicating as well.
  12. Yes that is the line they want us to believe. What portion goes to the "less fortunate" as opposed to the military industrial complex or fighting the war on drugs or spying on everyone on the planet or ... The only reason a few exceedingly tiny crumbs are thrown to the less fortunate or used to sure up some of the crumbling infrastructure at all is so that we can keep believing that these things are the raison d'être for their existence. They want us to believe it because it is true. The US has a 3.7 trillion budget. 600 billion goes to defense. 2.5 trillion to human resources (education, training, health, medicare, social security, veterans benefits). For fiscal 2015 defense is expected to decline while human resources spending climbs to 2.7 trillion. Tim for defense I think you should have to include things like stage, intelligence, etc to get a real cost of our foreign policy. DOD $600 Billion DOS $50 billion Intel $50 Billion VA $139 billion I think VA should be included in foreign policy because the larger the overseas adventurism the more VA cost will rise.
  13. How can anyone look at the current tax code and the enormous number of man-hours american citizens and corporations waste complying with it and not think that something drastic needs to be done? Rand Paul isn't even half the Libertarian his father is, but in many areas I agree with him, he's far and away better than the Clinton's, Bush's, and other candidates who spend hundred's of thousands of taxpayer's dollars gouging their fat faces on food. The cost of compliance to the tax code is in the hundred of billions of dollars; depending on how you look at it the cost could be more than what the US govt collects in corporate income taxes. The lost opportunity cost is mind boggling. http://www.laffercenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/2011-Laffer-TaxCodeComplexity.pdf
  14. Most FAs are completely worthless. I have yet to find a good one.
  15. https://www.randpaul.com/rand-pauls-fair-and-flat-tax-op-ed I like his plan; it would help simplify a tax code that cost hundred of billions to comply with and he proposes to do it with previously proposed budget cuts. From article: My tax plan would blow up the tax code and start over. In consultation with some of the top tax experts in the country, including the Heritage Foundation’s Stephen Moore, former presidential candidate Steve Forbes and Reagan economist Arthur Laffer, I devised a 21st-century tax code that would establish a 14.5% flat-rate tax applied equally to all personal income, including wages, salaries, dividends, capital gains, rents and interest. All deductions except for a mortgage and charities would be eliminated. The first $50,000 of income for a family of four would not be taxed. For low-income working families, the plan would retain the earned-income tax credit. I would also apply this uniform 14.5% business-activity tax on all companies—down from as high as nearly 40% for small businesses and 35% for corporations. This tax would be levied on revenues minus allowable expenses, such as the purchase of parts, computers and office equipment. All capital purchases would be immediately expensed, ending complicated depreciation schedules.
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