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  1. RIP....
  2. While we're on the topic of stock screening, any good screening tools you guys can suggest? I used to use Yahoo Screener, but I think it's not longer being updated... Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
  3. I drink coffee and I like Starbucks..I also dont mind going to Peets Coffee... For me, they are both about the same.. I was skimming through a book written by Schultz the other day.. He talked about the stock price quite often... I got the impression that his action might be somehow influenced by what the Street thinks.. But I could be wrong...
  4. Thanks a lot! Really enjoyed the interview
  5. My brother made a bid for a property in Fremont, there were 40+ competing bids.... :-[ :-[ What cities are you looking at? :)
  6. Well,, even if you buy the house with mortgage and you lose your job, you can still rent it out. :)
  7. Yes, the South Bay/Silicon Valley house prices are definitely above previous high... Many parts of the Bay Area are near previous high or not that far from previous high...
  8. Thanks @stahleyp, I called American Family but they don't insure properties in California. Thanks @rjstc, I will give Allied a call....
  9. Thanks oddballstocks. Dont think Erie offers Home insurance coverage for California....:(
  10. Thanks Packer. Unfortunately, we don't have any relatives who are in the military.. :-\
  11. Hello guys, I have my auto insurance with Geico and I'm very happy with them. Now I'm looking to buy home insurance, but Geico does not offer home insurance. Does any of you know any good home insurance companies that you can recommend? I live in California...:) Thanks much
  12. Thanks for sharing guys!!!
  13. Same as here in the Bay Area. The city we're looking at now, final price is usually 30% above asking price....
  14. @BargainValueHunter, great, great, great question! I've been thinking the same thing, when Buffett and Ackman said it's hard to scale, what do they really mean? @ERICOPOLY, I've talked to a few individual home investors, they all said property management companies don't do much. They ended up doing most of the work themselves. Now this does not mean all property management companies are like that. Also, I'm curious, when you go buy the house in Las Vegas, do you actually go check out the house? Buying 100 houses in a few months seem like labor intensive, but I could be wrong.. :)
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